C H A P T E R | 19

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Chapter 19: What is right and what is wrong?

"Tell me, Arthit. What was hurting you?" Knot asked, patting his shoulder.

"It hurts, Knot." Arthit repeatedly said, "It hurts, lying to the two of them."

Arthit was sobbing, harder than ever. Knot's hand was crushed, seeing his bestfriend, being like this.

After a while, Tew came back with the glass of water in his hand and placed it to the coffee table. "P'Arthit.." Tew called out.

Looking at the elder, he felt so sorry for him. Tew didn't know how to cheer the elder up. And, as for Knot, he also felt the same.

"I hate it.....I hate that it hurts so bad." Arthit said, continued to sob. The couple looked at each other, with eyes full of concern.

But then, they broke the contact and looked at Arthit. "Do you want to tell us, what happened?" Knot asked. Arthit looked at the two first and, nodded.

"Well....he-" Arthit started, "He what?" Tew asked, frowning. Arthit continued the story and the couple listened carefully to him, catching every detail of it.

He told everything, from when he spilled his drink then, the scene in the bathroom.

"That bastard!" Knot stated. "Did he do anything to you, other than that?" Knot asked.

Arthit shooked his head and Knot felt a sight of relief. "Then, what did you do, Phi?" Tew asked.

"Well, I eventually rushed out, leaving everyone at the restaurant."

Knot held his friend's shoulder, "If I saw that bastard ever again, I will definitely cut his dick off." Knot said in anger.

The silence surrounded the area. No one dared to say anything. Arthit then, looked at the time in his phone.

-10:28 pm

"It was getting late, we are going now." Arthit said, breaking the silence. "Well....um...thank you for the both of you." Arthit said, giving them a small smile.

"I am going to get Mint now." He said and went upstairs to the bedroom, where Mint was sleeping.

He knows where the room was, and knows that his little angel was already sleeping at this point. He walked in to the room, and found his daughter, snoring soundlessly.

He went near to her and sat to the bed, bear his daughter. He then, caressed her hair and put it around her ear.

He leaned over and kisses her forehead. "Papa is here to take you home, sweetheart." He said and gently picked her up. Her head was resting between Arthit's neck and shoulders while her arms were wrapped around his neck. As a heavy sleeper, Mint didn't even noticed that she was already in Arthit's care.

When Arthit put Mint in the car, laying her comfortably, Tew rushed out to give Arthit Mint's bag. He then thanked him and bid a goodby to the couple.


While on the journey, the scene of the bathroom replay again to his mind. A tear escaped from his left eye. Now that Kongpob saw it, he would definitely ask him about it.

"I hope this was just a bad dream..."

He looked at the back seat, to take a look at his daughter, sleeping. His and his ex-lover's daughter.

He then, moved his gaze to the road.

After a few minutes, they already arrived at their house and, Arthit carefully carried Mint into his arms. Not forgetting, he wore to his led shoulders Mint's backpack.

He first, looked for the key of the house and after that, he inserted the key to the lock.

Entering his house, he was greeted by the dark that surrounds the whole house.

He first, opened the lights and then, made his way upstairs, to place Mint to her bed.

Carefully, he laid her and tucked her duvet around her chest. He then, placed her Simba to her left arm surprisingly, she hugged it immediately.

Arthit then, carefully turned off the lights to her room and closed the door carefully, without making any noice.


Arthit just came out from the shower and was just drying his hair. He looked himself to his own reflection in the mirror.

"You are still making me, crazy Kongpob."

He admitted it, he was still affected by Kongpob's affection towards him, whether good or bad. Sad or happy. Everything.

He would be definitely fooling himself, if he would said that, he gotten over him. He wasn't.

Deep in his heart, he was still in love with the same person he met a decade ago. The same person who challenged him, on the first day of hazing. The same person, whom made him feel loved and sad. The same person, whom he always cried every night. The same person, whom he have been missing everytime, most especially when, he was pregnant with their daughter.

The same person whom he swore to love until the rest of his life.

After the separation, he never thought that, he would meet him again, for the second time around. All his plans were now in chaos by this sudden appearance. And, maybe in the future everything would be revealed. And, there might be some possible that, he won't just lost Kong but also Mint.

But, judging to their situation right now, Arthit couldn't think straight. Everything have been going on too fast that he couldn't even get track of.

Arthit himself didn't know if he himself made the right decision, nor was just confused of happenings. He felt this decision of his was wrong at all. This decision of his, keeping everything himself was not just hurting him, but all the three of them and it was killing him.

If he could turn the clock back on, he should've have never lied. Nor, atleast, keeping everything himself and never opened up to anyone.

Laying at his bed, Arthit couldn't fell asleep. He just kept staring at the ceiling and kept asked himself.

"What is right and what is wrong?"

He repeatedly asked that question to himself for minutes, and think of what would he the possibility if he have told the truth.

But still, event thought he was looking at the possibility, he was still scared of what would happen. What would happen if the two find out the truth and eventually, turn their backs on him.

He couldn't bear it. He already lost his lover and now, he was not ready to loose the little angel who was the fruit of their love for each other.

C H A P T E R | 19
by: anonymouslylazy

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