C H A P T E R | 55

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Chapter 55: Gender Reveal!

"Congratulations, Mr. Rojnapat, it was a baby boy!" The doctor exclaimed, happily as she was looking at the monitor, while scanning Arthit's belly, using the convex array.

Then, the doctor printed the picture, and wiped the excess gel off from his stomach. "Here it is!" Said the doctor and gave Arthit the printed ultrasound. "Thank you, doc."

"Anytime, Mr. Rojnapat." The doctor smiled, and Arthit smiled back.  "You may leave now."

Arthit wai'd and then, walked out of the room.

"Papa, what was it? What was it?" Mint excitedly asked, as she jumped out from her seat as soon as she saw Arthit coming out from the ultrasound room. Well, for context, Mint was entrusted to the nurse while Arthit was doing the ultrasound as Kids were not allowed inside.

Arthit kneeled into his daughter's height, and said "It's a boy."

Arthit smiled and Mint jumped happily. "A baby brother!Yehey!"

Arthur chuckled. He didn't know that his daughter would definitely be much more happier than him. "Now, shall we go tell daddy?" Arthit asked, and Mint nodded happily.

Arthit held his daughter's hand, and walked with her in to the car. As usual, Arthit put her to the back seat and made sure that she was secured. And then, he went to the driver's seat and buckled himself up. He turned on the engine and drove away.

Kongpob was not with them at the moment as he is still working at the office as his work has pilled up since a lot of things happened these last few days. Kongpob and Arthit moved in into a bigger house which contains a 5 bedroom house with a backyard and front yad that was large enough for them. They also, had a kitchen that was much more larger than the old one, a garage and a laundry room.

They also are planning their wedding that will be held soon as possible before Arthit's belly could get any larger. They had decided that after their marriage was done, they will soon change Mint's surname to Kongpob's as she was still carrying her papa's.

Everything was now already settled, as Arthit just asked, for a small wedding that only contains family and close friends. They also decided to held their wedding to a beach, as it symbolizes how their love story had begun. How Kongpob first given him his badge at the beach.

Of course, it was not just the couple who was more excited but Mint also. It was not just because her parent were getting married, it was also that she got to be a flower girl.

Soon, they arrived at the house, and Arthit parked his car to the garage. He unbuckled himself, and went out of the car. He then, did the same to Mint.

They went, inside the house, and then, sat together to the couch. "Here." Said, Arthit as he was showing the ultrasound picture. Mint's eyes, lit with a stars as she grabbed the picture from her papa and, stared. "He's cute!" Mint exclaimed, as she saw how tiny her brother was. "Papa, he is so little!"

Arthit chuckled and, ran his daughter's hair through her fingers, "Of course. But, he will grow more."

"How long does it take papa?" She asked, curiously. "Well, a baby that was growing in a womb could only grow for 9 months. After that, it will be born, and gonna grow more, just like you."

"But why can't the baby go out now? I wanna see my baby brother, soon!" Mint, pouted her lips. "Of course, the baby needs to develop some organs, like heart, lungs and other things that was inside your body." Arthit explained to Mint, helping her to understand more.

"Aww!" Said Mint, with a tone of disappointment and pouted again. "Come on, you will see him, soon, anyway." Arthit said, trying to coax his daughter.

Mint, crosses her arms, to her chest and said, "Still!"

Arthit then, grabbed Mint's hand and placed it to his small bumped belly. Mint, on the another side who was pouting, numerously, formed a smile across her face. She began to caressed her papa's belly and she enjoyed it.

"I can't wait to see him and be a big sister!" Exclaimed, Mint. "And he can't wait to see you too, sweetheart."

"I'm home!" Someone exclaimed, coming from the door. The two looked at the door, revealing Kongpob, who just arrived. "Daddy!" Mint ran straight to her dad and Kongpob of course, welcomed her in to an embrace. "How's my little princess?" Asked Kong, as he pinched the cheeks of Mint.

"It's good, daddy. Do you know, me and papa found out the gender of the baby!" Said, Mint. Kongpob, looked at Arthit wanting to confirm if the said statement was true. "You did?" He asked. Arthit said, "It was a baby boy."

Kongpob jumped, as if he is a kid. "A-a boy? R-really? I-i...." Kongpob couldn't say anything straight at the moment as he found what was the gender of a baby was.

As Kongpob was jumping around, like a kid, he looked at Arthit who was happy to see his reaction and without any thoughts, he ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you!" He whispered. Arthit caressed his back, chuckling. Mint, who was just at the side, joined the hug, "Don't left me, you guys."

The couple chuckled, and Kongpob lifted Mint up, and hold her, for her to join in.

A bond of a family, was beautiful, isn't it? To be honest, Arthit was grateful to have this moment to share with. He never thought that he, and Mint will ever experience this. A bond of a family, that Mint have been looking for. Things, that he could never give alone.

Yet, he was thankful to the gods/Buddha that have blessed him, with such a man, like Kongpob. A man that, always coming back to him, even though he had pushed him numerous times already. A man, who came back, after more than 5 years, to get reunited with them. A man, who loves him, dearly. He was thankful, to have Kongpob, into his life.

And, Kongpob, also was thankful that he also had Arthit to be there with him, to have him, for the rest of his life.

C H A P T E R | 55
by: anonymouslylazy

A/N: Oops! It was not yet the end. There is still more of the story!

And, i just wanted to ask, what do you think about the chapter? It was just the only thing I could came up with, and i am running out of ideas.

And, if any case that you became familiar with some things happened to the story, i just wanted to let you know that it was all an idea from some stories i've read. Yes, it was all a Kongpob-Arthit stories and M-Preg themed.

And, i also wanted to ask your opinion, cause I was again, publishing another story here on Wattpad. It was the same theme as this one but, it was more like a drama thingy, so, are you interested? I really wanted to see who were interested in this kind of theme though.

So, yeah, that's all. See you at the next chapter!

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