C H A P T E R | 59

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Chapter 59: Late night cravings.

Arthit kept tossing himself. He couldn't fell asleep.

"Kong." He called out. "Kongpob~" He repeated, yet his husband on his side was still in a deep slumber. "Kong!!" He whined, trying to wake his husband up.

However, Kongpob wouldn't wake up. He was tired and stressed all day. He had a work, a kid and a pregnant husband at home that he had to deal with.

"Kong!!!" Arthit again whined. He then, sat up to the bed, and began shaking Kongpob. "Hmm?" Kongpob groaned. He looked at his husband who was sitting infront of him with his eyes, squinting. "Need something?"

"I'm hungry!" Arthit retorted, and pouted. "Huh? What do you want?" Kongpob asked, sitting up to the bed. "I want a donut."

Kongpob looked at him, unbelievably, "Donut? Where the hell can i find donut at this hour?" He asked again.

Donut shops closed every 9 pm, and now, it was currently 2:45 am. There is definitely no way that there will be opened shop, at this hour. "I don't know, but i want one." He demanded.

"But--" Kongpob couldn't finish his sentence when, Arthit suddenly demanded him, "Go!"

Kongpob let out a heavy sighed and stood up to grab his jacket. "What kind of donut do you want?" He asked again, as he picked up his car keys from the nightstand. "Bavarian."

"Alright, I'll try to get it for you." Kongpob told him, before coming out of their bedroom. He made sure that he will make no sound because his daughter was sleeping upstairs and he don't want to wake her up.

Kongpob drove, from shop to shop, hoping that anyone might be open. However, no matter how long Kongpob would search, it would still be the same answer. None.

Kongpob didn't know what to do now. Arthit will definitely gonna get mad at him, for this. Gosh, he could even hear his voice, scolding him.

However, Kongpob decided to go back. There is no more open shop at this late hour, so where the hell would he get one?

Reaching the house, Kongpob was shock, to see Arthit eating some sandwich that was spreaded by mayonnaise, a grape jam and into the middle were cheese and ham. Okay, Kongpob knows it was a weird combination but can he even blame Arthit?

"Oh, you're back!" Arthit greeted. "Mn. There's no open shop, so..."

"Nahhh, it was okay. I'm already full." Said Arthit, biting the sandwich. "So, you are telling me that you made me go out looking for donut then, i just came home for to tell me that you're full?!"

"What? Can't blame me!" Arthit said, protecting himself. Kongpob couldn't came up with anything to reply Arthit. "And besides, i am not the only one eating here!" He then pointed to his belly. "Blame your son."

Kongpob just replied Arthit was a sigh and sat next to him, "Want a bite?" He offered the sandwich he was eating. However, Kongpob could only shook his head and didn't say anything that may cause of Arthit's mood swings. Well, who would even want to argue with a pregnant man, in the middle of the night, and most importantly, they still have a kid sleeping upstairs, that he don't want to wake up.

"Alright, suit yourself." Arthit said, shrugging his shoulders. He again, began eating the sandwich he had made as if it was really delicious, although, for Kongpob it was just really weird combination.


[3 days later]

"Alright, I'm off to work now." Kongpob said, pecking a kiss to Arthit's cheeks. "Wait." Arthit said, holding the hem of his coat. "Here's your lunch." He then handed Kongpob a lunch box, that he had prepared. Kongpob smiled and accepted the box. And, before he go, he give Arthit a final peck onto his lips.

This is now the new set up. Arthit had quitted his job, to look after Mint, and of course also because of his pregnancy. Well, at first he didn't want to as he still wanted to continue working alongside Kong. However, the other insisted for him to stop working for the safety of him, and their baby.

No, it was not that Arthit was forced, but Kongpob convinced him not to work, as he can provide them, and he also wanted Arthit to less the stress. Come think of it, for the five years, he had been a single parent to Mint, providing Mint with everything that she needs. And, on top of that, he also need to take care of her. All Kongpob just wanted was for Arthit to relax at home, and provide him everything. And, eventually the older man had given up, and just accepted the suggestion of Kongpob.

"I'm off now!"

Walking to the door, Kongpob first stopped, at the living room. "Mint, Daddy's going to work now." He informed his daughter who was currently sitting at the ground, coloring her color book. Her head turned up, and smiled. Kong then, approved her and planted a soft kiss into her forehead, "Don't stressed papa out, okay?" He asked, and Mint nodded. "Promise!"

Kongpob chuckled, and messed Mint's hair, softly.

As Mint was watching her daddy, leaving, she couldn't help but to feel discomfort. As if it feels like...He'll be gone. However, she just brushed it off of her mind.


The night time came, and Arthit was preparing their dinner, while Mint was helping her papa. "Mint, can you put it there please?"

"Sure papa, no problem!" She responded and did what was she was told to.

She is arranging the dinner table, when she suddenly her elbows had touched an empty glass, that was at the edge of the table. The glass was shattered to pieces, when it fall from the table. "Mint!" Arthit ran to his daughter and pulled her in.

"Are you hurt or anything?" He asked. Mint shook her head. "Okay, just go to the living room, okay? Papa will take care of it." He said, and Mint obediently nodded her head and ran to living room.

Looking at broken glass that was shattered, pice by piece, he knew that something was wrong. Something was definitely not right.

Well, his conclusion was indeed right.

Somewhere near, there was a car accident that had happened. A truck was out of control and eventually, hit a car that was driving from the side. The car's windows were shattered, and the bumper, hit the nearest pole where the traffic lights was hanging.

The car horns and the alarms, we heard. The headlights of the car, was turning off and on, every second. The car was in a severely damaged. Few minutes later, the police and the ambulances had arrived.

They had rescued the man, who was driving the car, itself. They had put him into a strecher. He was still awake, breathing heavily, as if he was chasing his breath. His body were numbed, he couldn't move. One of the officers looked inside the car to search if there is someone else inside. Unfortunately, he didn't saw anyone but, he saw his business car, that was onto the pockets of his briefcase.

Kongpob Suthilack.

Yup, that's right. It was indeed Kongpob who was involved to the accident. Arthit's feelings was right.

"My daughter, my husband. I need to see them...i-" He cried bitterly, as his strecher was being dragged to be lifted at the ambulance. "We will inform them, sir. But for now we have to bring you to the hospital." One of the nurses said, putting an oxygen mask to him.

"Please, i-i...m beging..." He pleaded. "Please, i-" Before he could continue his sentence, Kongpob felt that his eyes were getting heavy. And, just a few moments after the ambulance had started to drove, Kongpob peacefully closed his eyes. The nursed had checked his pulse.

"He's dead."

C H A P T E R | 59
by: anonymouslylazy

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