C H A P T E R | 60

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Chapter 60: The Final Goodbye.

[6 years later]

Arthit weld up, caressing the tombstone, that was Infront of him.  "It's been six years, yet I'm still not used to it. I still couldn't get used to the fact that you are not at my side anymore." He said, "Things were never been the same, as it is. Life had become tough for me, without you here."

He took a breath and said, "Our children was doing great. Mint was now starting her first year in Highschool, while Luan was starting his first grade. Did you know, they both graduated with honors and i am really proud of them. And, if you are here, maybe you are also proud of them."

He then placed a bouquet of white lilies Infront of the grave. "Here. Mint wanted me to give it to you. She chose this personally." Arthit chuckled, remembering how Mint begged him to give this flowers to the grave. "She and her brother couldn't come here because they were still at school today, but i promise that i will take them here with me, next time i visit." Arthit smiled, faintly. "They've missed you a lot."

Then, he started crying, then a hand gave him a handkerchief. He grabbed the handkerchief from the person's hand and wiped his tears. The person, then greeted the grave. "Good afternoon, mom."

"How are you at afterlife?" The person asked. "You don't have to worry about Arthit, okay. I'll take a good care of him and our kids."

The person then looked at the tombstone, and read the engraved words.

In a loving memory of:
Mrs. Orn Rojnapat

The person, buried under this tombstone was none other than, Arthit's mother. Arthit's mother, Orn had died because of a cancer, that she had been fighting for years. She knows it, however she didn't told her son as she don't want him to worry about her.

She had kept it from him, but eventually, Arthit found out. But it was already late. His mother's days were already counted, and he couldn't do anything to save her. He had watched his mother, die at the hospital bed, with alarms going off the room.

Fortunately, he wasn't alone to face it. There was his in-laws, friends and especially, his husband, Kongpob.

Wait, how was he alive anyway? Isn't he supposed to be dead?


"He's dead." The nurse declared. However the other nurse that was with her, checked the pulse again. It was still beating. The nurse was puzzled then, pulled the oxygen mask and put his two fingers above his nose.

And to his surprise, the warm breathe from the nose was felt. He then put his ears to the chest of Kong. It was still beating, yet it was slow so, he put back the oxygen mast to the patient.

"He's still alive, you might checked it wrong." He said.

Moments later, they arrived at the hospital. And they rolled the strecher to the OR. At the OR the nurses was finding his things when, the phone that was in pocket was calling. The grabbed the phone and one male nurse was the one who answered it.

"Kong, where are you?" The other line asked, "Sir, are you related to him?"

"Uh, yes i am his husband. Who was this?"  The other line asked again, "Sir, your husband was rushed to the Hospital and we need to operate him immediately." The nurse answered. "Rushed? Why? How?" Arthit was bombing the nurse some questions. He don't understand.

"Sir, your husband was involved to a car accident and we had rushed him into the hospital." The nurse again, answered. "Where was that?" He asked, and the nurse could hear him, walking down the stairs as his footsteps were really loud.

"He was here at a Riprassett Hospital, sir." He answered again. "Okay, I'll be there soon, but please, save my husband."

Arthit cut the call and the nurse put the phone to the ziplock bag. "Doctor, his husband called, he said he will be here." The nurse informed the doctor, who was putting his cloves on. "Alright."


Arthit was rushing to the hospital, with Mint, following him. They've went to the registration area. "Hello, i am here for Kongpob Suthilack."

The nurse then, asked, "How are you related to him?" 

"I am his husband, now please tell me where was he?" Arthit asked, panicking. "He is still at the Operating room, sir."

Arthit nodded, "Where was it?" He questioned. "Follow me." The nurse said, starting to walk towards the OR and the two followed.

"You may wait here, Sir." She said, motioning them to sit. "Excuse me."

As the nurse walked back to the registration, leaving the two, Infront of the OR.

"Papa, will daddy be okay?" Mint asked, looking at her papa with her innocent eyes. Arthit just caressed her hair saying, "He'll be okay, sweetheart. Do not worry."

Seconds became minutes and the minutes became hours. Arthit was still wide awake, waiting for the operation to be done while Mint had fallen asleep.

Finally, after hours of waiting, the red light turned off and the doctor came out. "Doctor, how is my husband?" Arthit asked, standing up.

The doctor smiled, "He is now out of danger, but he still needed to be confined here for further observation. Soon, we will transfer him to a ward." Saying that, Arthit couldn't help but to tear up.

Finally, his worries were now at ease, learning his husband was now safe. "Now, may you excuse me?"

[Flashback ends]

Looking at his husband, Arthit couldn't help but to smile, faintly. Memories of the past six years, were flashing to his mind. The day, they met again, the day that Kongpob found the truth, the day they got back together, the day they got engaged, the day that they got married, the day they welcomed their son. Everything came back to him.

Now, Arthit couldn't help but to think, that what if Kongpob really didn't made it? What would he be like now if it really happened?

But, looking at his husband right now, Arthit suddenly said, "I love you, Kong."

"And i always will love you."

Sure, what happened between them from the past, was really not that good, however, they were given a chance to meet again, and the reason that lead them together to what they were right now. And, lastly, they've made everything right.

-The End-

C H A P T E R | 60
by: anonymouslylazy

A/N: Finally, we had finished this book and it was officially closing.

I would like to thank everyone who read this story. It does means a lot to me, especially whenever you leave comments that made me more motivated.

I, the author of this book, is finally declaring that, It is now, finished.

Thank you, for following the journey of Arthit and Kongpob, finding each other again, overcoming all the difficulties and making everything right.

That's all, see you again, next time.

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