C H A P T E R | 27

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Chapter 27: Family.

The three were sitting down and was digging in to the dishes that Arthit cooked. Mint was happily munching over the food while the two elder were just silent. As always.

"Papa, eat." Mint said, placing the pork Infront of Arthit's mouth with a fork. Arthit obediently ate the pork and ruffled Mint hair. Of course, Mint also did the same to Kongpob, to be fair.

"Here, Mister. Eat." She said, beaming a beautiful smile.

"Why do you always call me, Mister?" He asked. "What shall I call you then?" She asked.

"How about.... uncle?" Kongpob first hesitated. Of course, there's no kid will call their Father's uncle. But, for now. This will do.

"Okay, then. Uncle!" She said and waved the fork into Kongpob's mouth. Kongpob then, obediently ate the pork and said, "This was much more delicious than the last time I tasted cooking." Kongpob commented and Arthit glared at Kongpob feeling offended.

Although it was true that Arthit's cooking years ago, were not that good, but Kongpob don't have to bring up the past. "You tasted papa's cooking?" Mint asked, gaining the attention of the two men.

"Yes...he did. But your papa is so awful at cooking, and sometimes his cooking couldn't be eaten." Kongpob said, smirking.

Arthit wanted to stab Kongpob with a fork himself. "Control it, Arthit. Mint was Infront of you."

"Nonsense!" Arthit retorted. Kongpob just arched his eyebrow and continued eating as if, nothing happened.


After the three finished their dinner, Arthit was cleaning the table and Mint already ran upstairs to go back to play. Kongpob on the another hand, helped Arthit.

"I told you, i can handle it." Arthit said. "Let me help you." Kongpob protested.

"Kongpob!" Arthit shouted as Kongpob won. He successfully stole the bowl that was on Arthit's hand. "Let me help you, for once." Kongpob said and he started to wash the dish.

Arthit sighed in frustration. "Let me." He said firmly, grabbing the dish from Kongpob's hand. "You never changed." Kongpob stated, "You are still persistent."

"Whatever." Arthit said, rolling his eyes. Kongpob just sighed and hugged his chest. "You go to her. I still have to finnish this." Arthit said, not sparing a glance on Kongpob. "let me help you." Kongpob again said, but what Arthit responded was a glare.

"Let me do it. You go to her." Arthit repeated. "Why won't you let me help you, P'Arthit?"

"It is because, i've said so. Now, shoo." Arthit said, pushing Kongpob out of the kitchen. Of course, Kongpob was left with no choice but to go to his daughter and join her to her play which he enjoyed a lot.

He sighed first, before he entered her room. She was still playing with her toys and Kongpob joined her.

Arthit on the another hand, didn't know what have gotten in to himself and allowed Kongpob to be here.


After Arthit finished doing his chores, he went upstairs to look for the two. He found his daughter snoring while Kongpob was putting her to sleep. Kongpob looked at him as he sense the presence of Arthit.

"I already bathed her and put her to sleep." Kongpob said. He first kissed Mint's forehead and put her hair at the back of her ear. And stood up.

"Thank you." Arthit said in a soft tone and Kongpob chuckled. "It was nothing, compared to you. You've raised her all these years."

"But still --" Arthit's sentence was cut off by Kongpob. He was shock that made him froze on the spot. Kongpob kissed him, again. But this time is was passionate. "Thank you." Kongpob said and smiled at him.

"I am going now." Kongpob informed Arthit and of course, he nodded and sent Kongpob.

Arthit was standing at the gates while looking at Kongpob who was starting his engine.

Arthit then, bid a goodbye to him but it was not enough to set aside the happenings earlier.

After he closed the gate, he hissed. "Damn Arthit!" He scolded himself. He tried to calm himself down, which worked and went inside as if, nothing happened. There he sat down to the couch and sighed.

He then looked at Mint's portrait. His mouth curved into a smile. "Time passed by, like a flash."


Mint was trying her shoes and grabbed her bag. Arthit then grabbed her hand and walked to the gates. For now, he will ride a taxi on the way as his car was left to the company.

But then, as he opened the gate. He was greeted by Kongpob, who was standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Your car was still at the company, right? So i am here to pick you guys up."

Kongpob then, went to Mint and picked her up. "Are you ready, little one?" He asked, looking at his daughter. Mint nodded smilingly and Kongpob made their way to the car. Arthit of course was left with no choice. It was a 2 vs. 1 so, it's impossible for him to win.

He opened the car door, so he could sit next to Mint but Kongpob stopped him, and told him to sit Infront.

Mint of course, was puzzled of this kind of interaction between the two as she always witnessed the two, like a cat and dog. But then, she decided to keep her mouth shut until they reached her school.

Arthit crouched into his daughter's height and reminded her, "Be good at school okay?" And Mint then replied with a "Yes!" And flashed a quick smile before she ran inside the school.

"Finished?" Kongpob asked as Arthit sat to the front seat and buckling his seat belt. "Yeah."

"Let's go to the gasoline station first, and fill up my tank." Arthit said. Kongpob nodded and head to the nearest gas station.

Arthit then, went out to get a gasoline while Kongpob was left again inside the car. After a few minutes of waiting, Arthit finally arrived with a two gasoline bottles in his hand. "Why two?" He asked.

"So, i wouldn't ran out some gasoline so fast." Arthit simply replied that made Kongpob chuckled.

Arthit again, sat to the seat and buckled his seatbelt. Kongpob then, drove them to the company, and luckily, there were no people around, or else, people may misunderstood something, between the two. "Why are you walking so fast?" Kongpob asked as he tried to catched up with Arthit.

"I was just --"

"Hey, watch out!" Kongpob said and grabbed Arthit's wrist and hugged him. But the two were not balanced that caused them to fall to the ground. Arthit was beneath Kongpob and was laying to the ground.

"P'Arthit? Khun Kongpob? What are you two doing?" Someone asked and the two looked at her and Arthit paled.


C H A P T E R | 27
by: anonymouslylazy

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