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The Avengers had just come from another successful battle. They had just landed back at the Avengers Facility, and were heading back to there quarters to clean up.

"That was the last of the Hydra bases we know of." said Fury as the team entered into the facility. Fury had then walked away to his own quarters. Wanda, Rhodey, Vision, Pietro, and Sam had went off to tend to their own needs. That only left Natasha and Steve alone in the lounge.

"You want a sandwich, Rogers?" Natasha asked Steve. "Yeah, sure. Thanks." replied Steve.

As Natasha fixed the both of them a sandwich, Steve could not keep his mind off Tasha.

'She's so beautiful. And I like her a lot.' Steve thought. 'I remember when we first met, she looked so intimidating. Then during the battle of New York, when I covered her from the destroyed Leviathan. And when I gave her a jump off start with my shield. She was so fearless. It's amazing. She's amazing.'

Lost in his thoughts and not realizing that Natasha was talking to him, he snaps out of it shaking his head.

"Rogers? What are you thinking about?" asked the assassin. Steve lied saying, "Oh. Um, nothing." "Well, it sure didn't look like nothing." she answered questioning the captain. Steve knew that was her cue that she was saying 'your a terrible liar' Steve then starts to add on to the lie but Natasha cuts him off saying, "Here's your sandwich. I hope you like swiss cheese?" "Oh, thanks. I don't mind swiss cheese."

Later that day...

The entire team, which includes Wanda, Pietro, Rhodey, Sam, and Vision stay at the Avengers Facility. Steve and Natasha had been called to Stark Tower, well now known as Avengers Tower. Steve and Natasha take a one of the old SHIELD jeeps to the Tower.

An half an hour after the drive there was no words spoken until another half an hour passed by and Natasha broke the silence. "Steve, I know your secret." she said looking out the window. Steve being in the drivers seat, keeping his eyes on the road responding, "Yeah. Then tell me what my secret is?" Natasha turned to look at him saying in a sing-song tone "You like me." Steve being totally caught off guard by what she just said swerved out of the left lane. "Yeah, Nat as a friend. Your my teammate." he tried to sound as if he wasn't nervous, but it was obvious through his blushing red cheeks. "Your a terrible liar, Steve? Be honest with me." She looked at him with intensity and Steve could feel it. After a few minutes of long intense staring from Natasha knowing she wouldn't let it go he gave up and pulled over. Steve then sighed heavily and turned to the beautiful redhead. He looked at her and studied her features. Her short curly red tresses, her plump rosey red lips, and her big emerald green eyes. He then spoke up saying, "Yes Nat, I like you. Matter a fact, I don't just like you, I love you. You are the most beautiful woman I've seen. Above all the woman you have tried to set me up with, you were the one I really liked. When you left after SHIELD fell, I was hurt. Then you came back and it filled me with so much joy. Every day I spend with you, I don't want it to end. You say 'love is for children' if that's so, then let's be kids forever. So yes I love you, Natasha Romanoff." And with that the red headed assassin sat there eyes wide. The captain couldn't read the expression plastered on her face but then she spoke. "Steve, no one has ever said something so sweet to me in my life. It was beautiful. I used to believe 'love is for children' because that's what I was taught in the Red Room, but now I get that it isn't. I'm just trying to say that, I love you, too Steve & I want to be with you forever." and with that said Steve placed a deep passionate kiss upon the spy's lips. In return, she kissed back just as deep. They finally broke the kiss, and Steve spoke up, "Would you like to accompany me on a date Ms. Romanoff?" Natasha giggled at this and responded, "Yes, I would. Only if you would accompany on a play date Mr. Rogers?" It was Steve's turn to laugh, "It would be my pleasure."

After this they began to pull off the side of the road and pushed on forward to the city.

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