A Greaser & A Soc

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Bad boy Steve? Stevie is a Greaser who is a bad boy or at least that's what people say. Tasha is a Soc. Both attend the same school. Enjoy!

Year of 1955

It was the summer of '55. "Rockin Robin" by Bobby Day was playing from someone's car radio as Natasha walked through the parking lot of Pristine High, her high school. This wasn't any normal high school in New York. This was a school where Socs and Greasers share the high school. Of course, they were on separate sides of the school but shared the cafeteria, school yard and parking lot. She had a long day, full of cheerleading and other after school activities.

She was walking to her car pass a group of kids she had seen around and they kindly waved at her. She waved back. She hadn't noticed before but she was about to walk through a group of Greasers.

Ah, Greasers. The bad boys of the school. Every last one of them being troublemakers. Natasha never actually liked any of the boy Greasers, even if a few of them were smooth talking. There was one as to which stood out to her. Steven Grant Rogers. As far as Natasha could tell, he was one to get in trouble, but never the one to start trouble. He seemed different from the others in his group.

Steve mostly hung out with his best friend James Barnes, or Bucky, as everyone called him. James was a charmer with the ladies, but not to Tasha. She was already charmed with Steve and his chiseled features. There was something about the blonde headed boy that just made her fall for him. Of course she knew that going out with a Greaser was "forbidden" under the circumstances of school and Socs. Nat thought about this as she walked passed the group of greasers.

Cat calls and whistling is what Natasha heard as she walked passed the group. Natasha ignored it because the girl was used to it from the boy Socs and the Greasers. Natasha was about to take off with a run until she heard, "Come on, guys. Leave her alone. She don't want no trouble." It was him. Steve. He was standing up for her. Nat still kept on walking to her car. She arrived at her car and began searching for her keys in her purse. "Hey, pretty face." Tasha spun around to be facing a tall, blue eyed, blonde haired boy wearing a leather jacket, white t-shirt, and blue jeans. "Hello." Natasha whispered to her self. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya." He had that thick old Brooklyn accent. "What do you want?" Nat said. Her face showed confidence, but inside she was jelly. "I wanted to see if a pretty gal like yourself would like to go out with me?" He said with a little twinkle in his eyes and a flash of his pearly white teeth. "Get your head out of the clouds. You know, me and you could never mix." Natasha retorted making him grin and chuckle. "What's so funny?" Natasha said. "You, dolly. Your just stunning." "Well, anyways, I'd better get going?" Natasha started to open the door when a hand latched onto her wrist. "So is that a yes?" "To what exactly?" "A date. Come on, baby. I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking." Natasha stiffened a bit and a tint of pink sprouted up in her cheeks. Steve giggled at this while Natasha composed herself. "I don't think so. You and your little friends are always cruisin' for a brusin'." "How bout if I don't get into any trouble all of next week, you go on a date with me and if I do you don't have to?" Steve suggested with a big goofy grin on his face. Natasha thought about it and answered, "Okay. But where do you plan on taking me?" "How bout we go dancing?" "Sure. And when will we be going?" "Are you writing a book, or something, doll?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. Steve let out a soft chuckle. "On Saturday." "Pick me up a eight." "What's your Clyde?" "1420 Cherry Lane. Between Maxwell and Madison." "See ya, dolly."

Part 2 is coming really soon. I want to apologize to all my readers and followers for keeping you waiting for an update on this book. I've been really busy with school and test prep. I've been brainstorming ideas for my other book. Speaking of my other book, I'd appreciate it if you guys check it out. It's been put on hold for the time being.

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