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Natasha's birthday was coming up and Steve wanted do something special for her. So he turned to her good friend Wanda aka Scarlet Witch.

"Hey, Wanda. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Steve asked casually. "Sure." Wanda replied.

"I was wondering if you could help me throw a surprise party for Nat? Her birthday is coming up in two weeks." "Sure, maybe we could..." Wanda began to whisper the plan for Natasha's surprise party to Steve.

Day before Nat's B-Day

Natasha had noticed that Steve, Wanda and the rest of the team had been acting weird.

Later that day, she was walking to Steve's room. As she was about to enter his room she over heard Wanda and Steve talking.

"We can't let Natasha find out about this." said Wanda. "And we won't, but I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Lying to her." said Steve. "We have one more day. Just relax." said Wanda, then she turned around to leave. As Wanda was about to walk out she turned around to Steve "You better not say a word, she can't find out." she warned, her accent getting the best of her. As she walked out turning the corner, she didn't notice Natasha standing there.

Natasha contemplated what she just heard. He's hiding something. But what? As all the possibilities rushed through her mind like a whirlwind she began to walk back to her room. By the time she got to her room, her feelings of curiosity had turned into anger. Natasha started packing a small bag of clothes and then went to the garage; started a van and drove to Avengers Tower in New York, the inner city.

~Later that evening~

Steve had noticed he didn't see Nat all evening. He had already called Clint and she wasn't at his house. So, he decided to call Stark and ask if he seen her. "Yeah. She's here." Tony replied through the phone. "Okay, thanks Stark. Hey, do you think you could get her to come back up here? We're throwing her a surprise party." Steve asked. "Sure Capsicle. Rhodey told me all about it." Tony said. "I'll be up there in two hours."

»Natasha's Birthday«

Where's Tony? Nat thought. As she walked into the bar to find him. What she did find was a note on the countertop, which read:

'Come upstate to the facility we have to discuss something.' -T.S.

Natasha then placed the note back down on the counter and walked back to her room to get ready. She hopped in the shower for 10 minutes. Dried off. Put on blue denim jeans with a white sweater and brown knee high leather boots. Curled her hair in to Shirley Temple curls. Put on some eye shadow, black liquid eye liner, mascara, and her signature red lip stick. She took a quick look in the mirror,"Damn, I look good." She hopped in the van she came in and drove to the Avengers Facility.

When she arrived at the Facility it was quiet, not an eerie quiet but an awkward quiet. As she was turning a corner, she was greeted with a trail of candy leading to the lounge. She followed the trail of candy picking up every piece and shoving it into her bra. That's what boobs are for. She thought. When she reached the lounge, she turned on the light and was greeted with a "SURPRISE!" With that two gunshots were fired up at the ceiling (based off of reflexes) and shrieks of terror followed after. When she realized that it was her friends, she put up her pistol and began to cry, cry of tears joy. Natasha had felt big strong arms snake around her hips and a soft kiss on her cheek. She knew exactly who it was. "Stevie!" she piped up. "Happy Birthday, darling. Why did you leave?" Steve asked. "Because you and the team weren't acting like yourselves and I couldn't take any longer." she said. "Well, we we're planning this that's why. I'm sorry." Steve explained. "It's okay." Natasha said, then she punched him in his gut making him double over only slightly. "Don't EVER lie or hide any thing from again." she warned. "Sure thing." Steve said. And then, Tasha pecked him on the lips with a soft kiss and went to have fun at her party.

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