A Greaser & A Soc (Part 2)

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"How bout if I don't get into any trouble all of next week, you go on date with me and if I do you don't have to?" Steve suggested with a big goofy grin on his face. Natasha thought about it and answered, "Okay. But where do you plan on taking me?" "How bout we go dancing?" "Sure. And when will we be going?" "Are you writing a book, or something, doll?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. "On Saturday." "Pick me up a eight." "What's your Clyde?" "1420 Cherry Lane. Between Maxwell and Madison." "See ya, dolly."



The bell rang signaling for the next class to begin, which was lunch. Students were rushing through the halls of Pristine High to get to the cafeteria. Natasha had stopped by her locker to put away a few books. When Maria, one of her child hood friends popped up from out of the crowd. "So, a little birdie told me you made a bet with a certain Greaser that has blonde hair?" Natasha turned around to face the brunette. "It was nothing." Natasha said in a rushed tone slamming her locker door closed. "It is something. Tell me." Natasha gave up knowing her best friend wouldn't let it go. "Ok, on Friday, Steve came up to me in the parking lot and asked me out, I said no because he's a Greaser and he's a troublemaker. We bet that if he didn't get in trouble for the rest of this week I'd go out with him on Saturday." Natasha explained all in one breath. Maria stared at her red headed friend in awe. "Well, let's get down to the cafeteria and keep an eye on him."

Natasha's POV (In Cafeteria)

Me and my friends, Maria and Wanda. We had already gotten our lunch trays. We sat at our usual table.

Before I could even set my tray down on the table Wanda says, "Why don't we go sit at this table for the day?" She said pointing at a table that was near a group of greaser boys. "Yeah, we should. Let's shake it up like a milkshake." Maria quipped with a knowing smile on her face. I put the pieces together and said, "You told her didn't you?" "Yep." Maria said with a huge smile on her face. "Fine. Let's go."

We took our places at the table and when I looked to the left of me I saw him. I saw Steve. We both made eye contact, but we looked away quickly. We avoided each other for most of the lunch period.

Lunch was about to be over and that's when Tony, one of the Socs, decided to mess with the group of greasers that were seated at the table on my left.

"Hey, guuuuyyyyys!" Tony says putting his arm around Steve's shoulder as if they were really good pals. "I just got a question for y'all." "What is it, Tony?" Clint says throwing his fork down onto his tray of food. "I just wanted to know how long it takes to bang a girl?" Tony had a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. "And why is that?" Bucky says. "Cause we're bangin' all your moms tonight!" Tony finishes off with a laugh along with the rest of his crew. The whole table of greasers stand up ready to fight, but they all restrain themselves. "Hey, Tony! Why don't you leave 'em alone?" I say from where I'm standing. "Oh, little miss princess has something to say." He starts walking over to me and I go to walk away, but someone captures my arm and turns me around. "Guess I got me someone else to bang." He says looking over his shoulder and then back at me. "First, don't touch me. Second, your uglier than Mr. Kimble." I say very defiantly. I walk away and out into the hallway.

Third person P.O.V.

Natasha walks out into the hallway, but with Tony on her heels, and Steve right behind him. Natasha goes to enter the girls bathroom when Tony pushes her up against a wall, trapping her. "Move!" Natasha says looking the boy in front her in the eyes, full of hatred. "Why don't you make me, doll?" Tony fires back.

Natasha tries to push the boy away from her but to no avail. "Hahahaha. Nice try, baby." Tony said leaning his face closer to Natasha's. Tony went in for a kiss, but was knocked out of the way of Natasha.

It took a couple of seconds for Tony to figure out what happened but when he did, he was infuriated. Steve had pushed him out of the way. Tony got up in a one swift movement and got in Steve's face, pushing the blonde into some lockers. At this exact moment the bell had rung and all the students were rushing back into the halls. Everyone stopped when they saw that a Greaser and Soc were in a scuffle. The hallway was dead silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop. Tony and Steve were having a star down contest while Natasha stood there in utter fear.

"What the hell is your problem, Grease? Can't you see I was in the middle of something?" Tony said obviously irritated that his moment was ruined. "Yeah, I can see that. But as the looks of it, the lady here didn't want to be bothered by some little prissy snot nosed rag like you." Steve said, venom lacing his words. "Okay. Why don't we talk about how your father left you and your mother for some other little whore." Tony said. Steve's eyes turned to those of pain but he covered it up in an instant. "How about your sister going around sleeping with every guy in the school, Tony." Steve said full of anger but a smirk displaying on his face. "What about your mother Steve. Isn't she leaving you and your brother because your nothing but a heavy load on her." Steve's hands began to shake. Tony smirked this time. He knew exactly what he was doing. Steve took one step, but a certain red head stepped in front of him. "Tony, leave him alone. Both of you stop it." Natasha intervened. "No, he wanted to talk about my sister. Let's talk about his family. You know nothing stays quiet around here." "Shut up, man." Steve said through clenched teeth trying his best to contain his fury. "Awww, are you mad, buddy? Well, why don't you do something about it? Come on, I want to see Mr. Big shot do something about." Tony taunted. "Tony, shut your mouth." Natasha said, a warning and fearful tone lacing her voice. "Come on, big fella. It's not like he's gonna shut me up." And at that Steve marched towards him in one big step pushing Natasha out of the way. Steve went to punch Tony, but his hand was stopped. He was spun around and facing the school dean. Mr. Johnson. "Rogers. Stark. You are coming with me." Tony walked over to Mr. Johnson but Steve stood in his place. Steve's features softened from anger to hurt. He looked at Natasha and saw her expression. She looked scared and disappointed. He then looked at the dean, shook his head, and dropped his head low looking at the ground while following Mr. Johnson to his office. "Everyone get to class! Now!" All the students had rushed to there appointed classes. Natasha went to her class within the sea of people surrounding her.

While in class, Natasha couldn't focus on nothing else but Steve. What's going to happen to him?

I'm baaaaaccckkkkkk!!!!!!
Did you miss me?
Of course you did.

But in all seriousness, I'm sorry for being gone so long. I know I went on a really really really long hiatus. But don't worry I wasn't dead or captured by HYDRA. I was just working and maybe, just possibly having a little summer fling happening but that's it.
But enough about me, what about you guys!Let's talk about how you guys summer went and how school is going for you guys. I want to here all about it. I love you guys.

But at least this chapter is finally up. I've been working on this chapter for the longest making sure it was perfect for when I returned. There will be on another part to this because you know how I left off and I love keeping you guys in suspense (it won't be for a long as I've been gone)

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