Decisions, Decisions

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Okay Romanogers shippers, I need your help. I would like you guys to pick what ever prompt you want me to do for this book and whichever prompt(s) that gets the most votes, I will do. Or maybe I'll do all of them. Who knows? Let your creative juices flow out of you. Don't be afraid to have scenarios. I'll most likely do them. Have fun with these prompts.
Okay let's get into it:⬇️ **don't forget to put who you want to be person A and person B

• person A & person B joking around (telling jokes or whatevs)

• person A & person B talking about personal stuff (they could be talking about personal life experiences, etc)

• person A helping person B when he/she is drunk *vice versa*

•person A singing to person B *vice versa*

•person A & person B dancing together

•hogs the blanket

•one cuts the other's hair

•one likes their music on full volume

•one complains about crumbs on the bed

•one sings in which one plays the music

•which one proposes

P.S.: Also, can you guys do me favor and take a look at the note I put at the end my last chapter? I'd really appreciate it.

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