Point of No Return

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I changed the title from 'Don't Leave Me' to 'Point of No Return'

Warning: Sad. Angsty. Will surely hit you right in the feels.

Year of 1944

Natasha perfected her winged eyeliner. Applied her waterproof mascara. She put her deep red lip stick on her plump lips. She walked out of her bathroom and stopped at the mirror that hung on her closet door. She smoothed out her blue dress & twirled around in a circle. She sat on the edge of her bed and put her black heels on.

Natasha looked in the mirror once more before leaving out the door. She tried to smile, but just couldn't bring herself to. Today was the day that men were being shipped off to war. The train was leaving in 2 hours time. It would take her at least an hour and a half to get to the station. She had to watch him go off to war. She would be left alone in bed with a cold, empty spot that wouldn't be filled until he returned. If he returned.

Natasha snapped out of her negative thoughts and headed towards the front door. She opened it with a jolt and left swiftly letting the door to her apartment close loudly behind her. She walked down the stairs to the exit of her building. Once she opened the lobby door to her apartment building there was already woman crying or walking aimlessly down the streets. That mean't the first train had already left. Natasha looked at her watch. It was 10:10am. She only had 50 minutes left to spend with her beloved, Steve. Natasha took off with a run. Good thing, she took up track in high school. She was the fastest runner on the team.

It didn't take long for Natasha to get to the train station. When the redhead arrived she pulled out her compact mirror and a napkin to get some of the sweat off of her face and to make sure her hair and make up was still intact. She then spun her head left and right looking for her love. She pulled out her watch once more. There was only 20 more minutes left until Steve boarded his train. He couldn't have left! He has to be here. The red head thought. Natasha looked to her left once more and then she saw him. The only tall, blonde haired man that drank his coffee leaning up against a lamp post. Natasha had a huge smile plastered on her face and so did Steve. Steve tossed his cup of coffee onto the concrete and spread his arms open to capture the love of his life in his arms. To hold her tight as if to never let go, one more time. Natasha ran right into those arms and hugged the life out him, if that was possible. "Oh, doll. I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Steve said into Natasha's red locks. "I was afraid you had already left." Natasha said into the crook of Steve's neck. Steve placed Natasha back on the ground and they stared into each other's eyes. It seemed like forever, until a train whistle was faintly heard. "I have to go. I love you, with all my heart. I promise you I will fight to get back to you." Steve professed to his lover as the train whistle grew louder by the minute. "Steve, I don't want you to go, but your as stubborn as a donkey. I love you, so much. You've made these past few years of my life wonderful." Natasha began to cry. All the pent up tears she held in for the past few days being released. "Baby, you talkin' like we're breaking up." Steve said as he pulled Natasha's face up to face his. He flashed that smile that she was going to miss dearly. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna miss you. That's all." She sobbed. "Here." Steve gave Nat his watch locket. She took it out his hands and placed a photo of her in his hand. Steve looked his green eyed love in the eyes and then crashed his lips against hers. "All aboard!" Steve and Natasha stopped there kissing and Steve boarded the train with his bags in hand.

Steve got a seat by the window. He peeked his head out the window and yelled "I LOVE YOU, NATASHA!" "I LOVE YOU, TOO, STEVE!" Natasha yelled back. The train began to pull off. "I promise once I get back we'll go to that dance club you've been talking about." "And I promise I'll still be home when you return." They waved good bye to each other until the train disappeared and they could see no more of each other.

Natasha walked into her apartment letting the door close slowly and quietly. She grabbed one of Steve's shirts out of the closet. She took off the clothes she had on previously along with her make up. She put on Steve's shirt, laid down in her bed cuddled one of her lover's pillows and cried.

Year 1945

The war was over. Some men had returned from the war, others did not. All the woman were at home waiting for their boyfriends or husbands. All except one. Natasha wasn't home. Steve never returned home. Steve was somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and Natasha was in a secret HYDRA facility.

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