Midnight Lovers

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It's New Year's Eve at Avengers Tower. Christmas decorations have been taken down and party decorations up. Tonight Tony is having a big party for the new year. The men are advertising the party all over the city mostly in Times Square and on taxi cabs. All the Avenger ladies have went out shopping for the party.

At the mall...

"How does this one look you guys?" asked Natasha as she walked out the dressing room in the last dress she tried on. "Perfect" said Wanda, "Lovely!" Pepper complimented. "Finally." Natasha said with a huff. Maria had handed Nat the shoes she had picked out before the dress.

After Natasha changed out of the dress, all the women payed for their dress and shoes for the night's party with Stark's credit card.


"Oh no, Steve! You are not wearing what you usually wear." Tony opposed. "Why not? What's wrong with the way I dress?" Steve asked slightly offended. "You have to look presentable. There's going to be chicks here. You need to mingle." Clint added. "I agree Captain of America, you are every female midgardians dream." Thor chimmed in.

"Here, go put these on, and then come back so I can look you over." Tony said as he handed Steve some clothes. Steve walked out of Tony's room with the clothes.

As soon as Steve was out of earshot, Tony turned to the rest of the guys saying, "We're getting him hooked up with little miss red head." "Yeah, they obviously have feelings for each other." said Clint.

Later that night...

It was eight o'clock and the party was starting. Drinks were made and handed out. Music was blasting from all corners of Stark's party room. Tony, Clint, Thor, Rhodey, and Vision stood by the bar drinking moscato. Natasha stood over on the other side of the room with her Russian Vodka somewhat talking to this guy who was flirting. Steve stood by another wall with Sam talking to a group of guys.

"They're not mingling. They're with other people." Tony said. "I know, we need to find a way to get them together and alone." Rhodey.

The party continued. By eleven o'clock Natasha was at the bar just making herself a martini. Steve was on the balcony with Sam talking about life.

"Okay, I have a plan," said Wanda. "Shoot!" said Clint. "At 11:55PM we could get Steve to get one of us a drink from Nat and that will spark a conversation." Wanda explained. "Brilliant!" Thor boomed.

11:55pm (plan is in motion)...

Tony, Thor, Clint, Pietro, Vision, Sam, Wanda, Pepper, and Maria stood by the pool table. "Hey, Captain!" Rhodey greeted. Everyone greeted him. "How's the party going for you?" asked Pepper. "It's fun." "Steve, can you get me a shot of vodka mixed with moscato?" "Sure." Steve walked over to the bar.

"Hey Nat, can I get a shot glass with vodka mixed with moscato?" At the moment Steve asked for the drink, Clint walked over to the bar and picked up a shot glass filled with what he asked. He walked over and walked off with a smirk on his face.

"Haha, well how's the night going for you Nat?" asked Steve "Pretty good, some guy tried to hit on me but I changed his mind quickly." the redhead said. "What'd you do?" "I told him I was a lesbian, I don't think he likes lesbians." Both Steve and Nat laughed.

"You look beautiful." the captain complimented. Natasha was wearing a white dress that came a little past her knees and accessorize it with a black belt and wore black 6 inch heels. The dress really brought out her curves. "Same to you, you look rather dashing." Romanoff said with a hint of pink in her cheeks. Steve had worn a gray sweatshirt with Blue Jeans and gray vans. Steve's face turned as red as a tomato. "I gotta tell you something, Romanoff." Steve said looking serious. "I guess I may, sorta, kinda like you." he said slightly embarrassed. "That's okay I like you too" Natasha said full of confidence.

The countdown was starting everyone rushed to the balcony outside to see the fireworks and started counting down too.

"No, what I mean is more than a friend." Steve said

"Your kidding me right." Nat said as she sauntered over to the blonde haired man pressing her body up against his.

"You know Steve," Nat said seductively. "We can always talk in my room if you like."

"Tasha, your very beautiful." Steve said not trying to look so shocked at the woman's actions.

"I know." Natasha said turning around where she wasn't facing Steve and wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm serious Natasha."

"I am too" she answered as she traced her fingers up and down his arms.

"Steve let's go countdown. I want to see the ball drop." Nat whined quitting her act of seduction.

Natasha broke free and went to walk off. When she was pulled back by strong arms.

Natasha was staring into Crystal blue eyes. And now someone was leaning in.

Happy New Year!!!
Natasha's lips crashed against Steve's lips with a deep passionate kiss.

They pulled away for air. "That was amazing." Natasha said looking up at her New Year's kisser. She was shocked. Steve looked down at her just grinning from ear to ear. "You've sure had your practice, Captain." she chuckled. "I've been waiting a long time to do that." Steve finally spoke. "Then why don't you do it again." Nat said this time leaning in. They kissed again, but this time the other Avengers were watching, cheering and taking pictures of the two.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. did you get all of that?" Tony asked

"Yes, I did sir." the AI responded.


Happy 2016 Everyone! We've made it through 2015!
Hope all of you have a prosperous year full of love and joy. Don't let anyone try to bring you down cause you know how Kelly Clarkson's song goes "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..." Have that motto and also be yourself and leave the attitude back in 2015 in the past. Be a new you! Love ya! Happy New Year!

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