Timed Lovers

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Year of 1942

It's 1942 and there is a war raging over seas and through out the world. Men have went to fight and women have stayed home to tend to the home. Every man has left except one. Steven Rogers. He has stayed home not yet drafted into war. He surely has applied because according to him he 'Hates bullies' and doesn't 'care where there from.' He is a young boy from Brooklyn, NY. All the ladies love him... well at least now. See, Steven went under an experiment called Project Rebirth. Project Rebirth was an experiment in which to create a super soldier. Before the experiment Rogers was a scrawny man with asthma and a yard long of medical issues. Mr. Rogers was a success. Now he is in Brooklyn waiting to be called off to war. In the mean time he spends his days either at the gym, park, or in the local diner. Mostly in the local diner. Natasha, the waitress at the diner, in which Steven fell for. She just so happens to live in his neighborhood.

Steve was sitting in the diner in a small booth by the window reading the paper and drinking his coffee, until Natasha came over to him. "You want a refill?" She said flashing him a bright smile. "Oh...uh, sure." Steve replied sliding her his mug. She flashed another smile at him and then walked away. Steve went back to reading his paper. A few minutes later there was a jingling of the bell that let everyone know that someone had entered the diner. It was a man in a dirty white shirt, brown pants with suspenders, and brown shoes. That man was Jacob, Natasha's boyfriend, who seemed quite intimidating. He walked up to Natasha and began whispering angrily at her. Steve couldn't make out what was being said, but he did pick up that Natasha looked scared. Jacob then left the diner as quick as he entered it. As soon as Jacob left and the coast was clear, Natasha began removing her apron, took her jacket off the hook and replaced her apron with it. She began walking to the front door and Steve followed her. She speed down the block and when Steve caught up to her, he grabbed her by her arm and spun her around to face him. She now had bloodshot eyes and her mascara was running. He handed her a napkin and said, "Is everything alright, Natasha?" "Yeah. Just peachy." she said through tears. "It doesn't look like it. What did Jacob say to you?" Steve asked in a calming and comforting manner. "He wants dinner done by the time he gets home and if not..." She trailed off leaving Steve to figure out the rest. Steve looked into her eyes. The red head looked back into his eyes and shook her head knowing that he knew what she mean't as silent tears fell down her face.The super soldier embraced her in a hug. When they pulled apart they went to the park around their neighborhood. They walked silently to the park, neither one of them daring to say a word to each other.

When they arrived at the park, they sat on a bench in the shade. "Hey, can I tell you something about Jacob?" Natasha said to Steve as they both got comfortable. "Soitently." "He's really abusive and I never really liked him. I only started going with him to get over someone else." Steve shook his head as he contemplated what the waitress said, "I'm not trying to be nosey, but who were you trying to get over, exactly?" "You." Right when Natasha said that the blonde haired man looked right at her. "Me?" he said in disbelief. "Yes. I saw all those girls flirting with you and thought I couldn't stand a chance. Especially against Mary-Lou." "Let me tell ya something, doll. You are perfect in my eyes and I don't think Jacob deserves you. You deserve much better." Natasha then crashed her lips against his. Steve then kissed back. "I've been waiting to do that for a while... You know, I always loved you even before you were mister biceps and abs." Natasha joked. "And I loved you since the first day you moved on the block."

From then on the two sat in the park and just talked about their childhood, life, and their hopes & dreams. They were having the time of their lives until they were rudely interrupted by a crazed, sweaty, ossified man. That man was none other than Jacob.

Hope you enjoyed the story. Because I love this one shot so much, I'm going to make a part two so you won't be left on this cliffhanger here. I love you guys and keep on reading and loving #romanogers💕

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