Point of No Return (Part 2)

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Location: SHIELD Hellicarrier
Year: 2012

It was the end of the Battle of New York between The Avengers & Loki. Loki was back on the hellicarrier locked away securely. The Avengers teammates were taken into separate rooms to give evaluation. Tony, Clint, Thor, and Bruce had finished their evaluation. Each of them went there separate ways. Clint went to the training room to have a "private training session", Tony and Bruce went to the lab to help examine the chitauri findings, and Thor went to where Loki was locked up to help with interrogation. The only two teammates that were left was Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.

After about an hour, the two had finished their evaluations.

Both were walking down the corridors towards each other. Natasha was worn out from the past few days events. She was on her way to her quarters to change. Steve was walking towards her. He was going over the past few days events. The future sure is crazy, he thought to himself. He looked up to find the red head walking towards him. "Hello, ma'am." Steve said with a small smile on his face. The assassin looked up and gave a small smile in turn. "Hello, Captain." "Hi. I just couldn't help but notice that you look so familiar. It's like I know you." Steve blurted out. Natasha took a look at the man in front of her examining his face. "Yeah. Cause we met like two days ago. Captain I think you need to get some shut eye." "Yeah, that's what I need." The two then walked away from each other going opposite directions.

Why doesn't she remember me?, Steve thought to himself. Steve then took it upon himself to go through some files.

As he went through the files he found his answer.

Name: Natasha Alianova Romanoff
Gender: Female
Age: 83 (appeared to be 24)
Previous Resisdence: Brooklyn,NYC
DOB: November 22, 1928
Natasha A. Romanoff was born in Stalingrad, former USSR. She came to the United States at the age of 6. In between the years of 1939 to 1945 she was married to Steven Grant Rogers aka Captain America. At the end of the Second World War, she was captured by HYDRA. She was then brainwashed and trained as an assassin in the Black Widow program. HYDRA then traded her in for the KGB. By the year of 1985, Romanoff was targeted on SHIELD's radar but then recruited as an agent.-

Steve stopped reading the file. He then looked at the picture attached to the in side of the folder. It was his Natasha. He took the picture of his lost love and put it in his pocket. Your going to remember me, Natasha. And I don't care how long it takes.

Location: Washington, DC; Smithsonian
Year: 2014

"COME ON, ROGERS!" Natasha yelled to her partner. "I'm coming!" Steve yelled back. Natasha stopped at the steps that led to the entrance of the museum. "Is someone too old to walk faster? Do you need a cane?" The red head laughed. She loved making fun of the living legend. "Haha. Very funny." Steve said jogging past the assassin and up the stairs. When the two arrived at the entrance, they paid for their tickets and headed inside.

Natasha looked around the museum taking it all in. "Wow. It's so-so..." She was in awe. "So, historical?" Captain said with a chuckle. "Yes, but so intriguing." She said finally finishing the sentence she started. "Come on," the assassin pulled the soldier's arm. "Let's go to the Captain America exhibit." "Really?" "Yeah. I'd love to get to know all about my partner." She whispered.

~Captain America Exhibit~

Steve looked around the exhibit walking past the statue replicas of him and his old team. Natasha stopped next to him. "Who are those people?" She asked. "The Howling Commandos." "I know that. I mean't the names." She told the man standing next to her. "Well, that's me as you can see. That's Dum Dum Dugan, Jim Morita, Montgomery Falsworth, Gabriel Jones, Jacques Dernier, Happy Sam Sawyer," Steve told the Russian beauty pointing at each one of his old squadron. "That's Junior Juniper, Pinky Pinkerton, and...." Steve trailed off at the end staring right at the statue of his childhood best friend. Natasha must've sensed this and she put a hand on her teammate's shoulder. Steve felt the touch of someone and turned to see that someone's face and he gave a small smile. "Come on, I want to show you something." He said pulling the Russian further into the exhibit near glass casing.

The two reach the glass casing and started looking at the artifacts and reading the information. Natasha went on to look at some pictures while Steve looked at his compass. He was staring at the features of his compass. The beautiful smile of his loving wife. She gave him that picture when they started dating and brought him the compass as an anniversary gift. The picture! I could show her the compass and then she'll surely remember me!, the super soldier thought. "Hey Nat, come over here." The small red head walked over to where the blonde soldier stood. "What is it?" "Look." Steve said, using his blue eyes to direct the confused woman to look at the compass.

Ms. Romanoff took one good look at the compass and a rush of memories returned to her in an instant. "D-D-Do you want to go out with me ma'am?" "Sure."..."Hey doll, I'm home." "I was starting to think you wasn't coming." "I promise once I get back we'll go to that dance club you've been talkin' bout."

~Present Day in Smithsonian~

"Natasha, are you okay?" Steve asked in a nervous tone. "I remember." Nat whispered. "What?" "I remember, Steve. You... Me.. Us!" "Really? What do you remember?" "We we're, um, married and then you went off to the war and then you didn't come back and I was taken." The red head had tears forming in her eyes. Steve saw this and rushed the both of them out and into the parking lot by Natasha's parked car. By then Natasha had tears streaming down her face. Steve wiped every last drop away with his thumb. "Shhh. It's okay?" "No it's not! I should've remembered you." "It's not your fault, doll." Natasha smiled when Steve called her 'doll'. "So, what do we do now?" Natasha asked wiping away her remaining tears and still sniffling a bit. "Well, now we go home." Steve said pulling his lost love into a loving embrace. Then, he picked her head with the tips of his hand. They were staring face-to-face. He leaned in and placed a long, sweet, passionate kiss upon the Russian beaut lips, which was so long over due.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!
I know it probably isn't my best work but I tried. I wish it wasn't this sucky. I wish I did better. But anywho... Thanks to @shadowtributegirl for the idea on how to write this part 2 😘 I think I might make this into a mini series. I still have yet to update the second parts of my other two stories and you guys,aka my readers, still can send ideas on how the story should be written. But do it in the (A/N) Author's Note before this story. Thx! Okay, that's all I had to say. Everyone just keep calm and #loveromangers

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