Prompt 2: "Let's get personal."1/2??

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Setting: Takes place after Civil War
Location: Republic of Užupis, Vilnius, Lithuania

It had been four months since the Avengers had disbanded. Since then, Steve had grown out a beard and changed his hair color to brown. It was all part of his disguise and he needed some type of change in his life that he could keep constant.

Steve had spent the past 4 months looking for his red headed friend Natasha Romanoff. He had many leads as to where she could possibly be, but they all led to dead ends. Finally, this last lead would get him to her.

He was currently in the Republic of Užupis, a small neighborhood in Vilnius, Lithuania. He was sitting outside a little coffee shop. He was scanning the area while "reading" a book. He had looked up and took a sip of his coffee and scanned the area once more and then looked back at his book.

When he looked back at his book, a women with platinum blonde hair, sunglasses, and a blue hoodie on sat down across from him. Steve went on the defensive. He stiffened, which the women noticed. The soldier and unknown woman had a staring contest, until the silence was broken by the woman. "So, you just gonna sit there with that stupid look on your face or are you gonna buy me some coffee, Rogers?" The woman was none other than, Natasha Romanoff. Steve was taken aback, surprised. "Natasha, is that you?" "Shhh. Yes, it's me and it's not Natasha, it's Lina." Natasha responded. "You know the government is after me." Natasha had ordered herself a latte as a waitress came to take her order. "Sorry. You know I've been looking for you for months." Steve whispered. "I had a feeling." The spy smirked. "How bout we go to where I'm staying after I get my latte?" Natasha offered. "Sure, but why?" The soldier questioned. "It's not safe to talk about certain things out in the open. You should know that. We worked for SHIELD." Natasha said, saying the last part matter of factly.

It didn't take long for Natasha's latte to come. As soon as the waitress gave it to her, Steve paid for it & his drink and tipped the waitress, as did Natasha.

The walk to Natasha's safe house was long. Nothing was said until they grew closer to their destination.

"So, how have you been Cap?" Natasha said breaking the comfortable silence. "I've been better." Steve responded, breathing out. He didn't think he could be this winded. "How's our little friend Bucky?" "He's... He went back in cryo." Steve said dropping his head. "Oh.. well, I'm sure he'll come back out fine." The spy assured her former teammate. The rest of the walk was filled with an uncomfortable silence. The rest of the walk, Steve couldn't get Natasha's words out his mind. "How's our little friend Bucky?" Steve thought to himself. Did she know Bucky? I know she had an encounter with him on one of her past missions. Maybe they have history together. Those thoughts kept running around in his mind the entire walk and when they got to the safe house.

The safe house wasn't filled with much. It had a twin size mattress that sat on the floor, a couch big enough to seat 3 people, a lamp, small television, a radio, a 2 duffel bags and a bucket. There were no windows or any type of openings to let light in or indicate someone lived in the little house. Steve stood off to the side so Natasha could check if they were followed before shutting the door. Natasha motioned for the super soldier to sit on the couch as she did so.

"Soooo..." Natasha said trying to break the awkward silence that seemed to be taking up much of the room. "Sooo..." Steve responded. His thoughts from earlier were still running through his mind. Natasha knew something was on his mind. "What's on your mind, old man?" Steve smiled at the joke. "I've missed that." He chuckled. "You didn't answer my question." The former red head laughed. She was always so comfortable with him. She could be herself around him. "Just wondering, how we got here." He said. It was the perfect lie, even though it wasn't a lie. "Well, obviously due to Stark's shenanigans. Hey, let's play a game." Natasha said turning to face the super soldier. "What kind of game?" Steve turned to face his friend. "It's like 21 questions, where we ask each other questions, but we are not limited to 21 questions." "Okay, let's play. You first." Steve offered. "Always the gentleman.. okay my question for you is who was your special lady back in the forties?" "I'm pretty sure you already know, Natasha. Or should I say Lina." He said the last part teasingly. "No. I'm pretty sure I don't." Natasha pretended to think. "Alright, Peggy Carter." Steve chuckled out, but his demeanor changed to sullen. "I'm sorry if that question was too personal. I know you really loved her." Natasha felt really bad, for bringing up the topic of Peggy. "It's okay. Okay, it's my turn." Steve said. He took a second to think about his quesrion. Should I ask her about Bucky? "Come on, Rogers. We don't have all day," the former red head said playfully. Steve came to a decision asking his question. "Do you mind if we ask personal questions?" Steve asked, unsure. Nat took a minute to think. "I don't mind. Ask away." "Did you know Bucky? Like have any history together?" Steve's question came out shaky as he didn't know if he crossed a line he shouldn't have. "Yes, I knew Bucky previously." The spy answered truthfully. "I'm sorry for asking. I just couldn't stop thinking about what you said earlier." Cap immidiately apologized. "No, it's alright. I trust you." The spy said. "When I was training in the Red Room, he was my mentor. He was the only person I've ever met that matched my skill set." "What about me?" The blonde haired man questioned acting offended. "Your almost a match. You have the stamina, but I can still take you down easily." Natasha stated matter of factly. "Oh, okay." Steve responded, looking around the room avoiding eye contact with the woman. Natasha did the same, as well. "Yeah..."

Two hours later, Steve and Natasha are still playing the game. Within the past couple of hours, the game consisted of basic questions. Natasha thought it was about time they spice it up. "Okay," the blonde woman began. "Let's get up close and personal." "What do you mean?" Questioned the super soldier, fearing what his friend had in mind. "I mean, we're gonna ask each other questions we wouldn't dare ask anyone in a normal conversation." Natasha replied. "Okay..." Steve stretched his answer, still not sure where this game was headed. "Okay, my question to you is... what is your kink?" Natasha said with a devious smirk on her lips. "My kink?" Steve went wide eyed. "Please don't tell me you don't know what a kink is." "I know what it is. I've caught up a lot." "Yeah, sure. Answer." "Alright, my kink would be..I honestly don't know." Steve said trying to deflect the question. "Oh come on. Everyone has one. I know you have one, Rogers." Natasha said somewhat annoyed. "How bout this? If I tell you my kink, will you tell me yours?" "Uhhh.. deal." The blonde haired man agreed. He agreed rather than oppose because it's a losing battle with the Black Widow. "My kink is being choked." "What?!.. What do you mean you like being 'choked'?" Steve asked shocked at the answer. "I like to be choked where I can still breath, but I can't talk. It's a turn on." "I don't wanna play this game anymore!" Steve got up and walked near the radio. "The game doesn't end until you tell me your kink." Steve had been caught. He forgot about the deal. "Fine, fine." Steve said defeated. "My kink, I guess would be, uh, neck biting." "Ooooh. The righteous Steve Rogers, America's Golden Boy," Natasha got up and walked  over to the soldier. "and All-American likes his neck bit." Natasha yawned. "BORING! There has to be something better than that. Everybody likes their neck bit." "I'm serious! that's my kink, Nat." "Tell me your kink, Steve." Natasha pressured. "I'm not lying." Steve looked to his left as he said it. "You're a terrible liar. You looked to your left. Now tell me what your kink is." Natasha traced her fingers up Steve's bicep, trying to break him. It worked. "Okay my kink is BDSM." Steve finally broke. The spy was taken aback. She could not believe that the person she used to follow, who she took orders from, was into BDSM. "Are you serious?" Natasha said out of pure shock. "Yes." Steve said closing his eyes. He couldn't even look the woman in her eyes. He couldn't believe he actually said that out loud. "Have you been active? I mean, sexually?" "I do not have to answer that question." "So that's a yes." "No it's not, Tasha." Steve sat back on the couch with his head resting on the back of it. "You're deflecting so it's a yes." Natasha sat next to him, facing him, with her knees up to her chest. "Drop it!" Steve said looking at his partner. "No!" Natasha fired back. Steve leaned in close to the now blonde woman's face. "Drop. It." "No. I. Will. Not." Nat leaned in as well.

There was silence. A staring contest has commenced. Neither one backing down. Natasha smirked, her emerald green eyes lighting up. Steve's blue orbs darkening just a bit and then lighting back up. The tension in the air was broken when Steve collided his lips with Natasha's lips. Natasha was surprised, but fell into the kiss. The kiss grew more aggressive, passionate. Natasha climbed onto of the super soldier's lap. She ran her hands threw his brown hair. His beard is so soft. She thought. Steve ran his hands from her waist, up & down her back, to her rear leaving his hands resting there. Moans escaped their mouths as their make out session continued.

When they came up for air, the two former teammates looked into each other's eyes. There was a hint of lust in both their eyes.

"What just happened?" They both asked each other in unison.

OH MY GOODNESS!! That was a hell of a chapter. And that ending? Steamy, wasn't it? I had so much fun writing this. I will continue with a part 2. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Don't forget to vote on this chapter. As always, keep calm and love romanogers.

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