Letters From Steve

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Prompt: Natasha and Steve are married, have been for the last 2 years. Natasha is currently pregnant with their child. She isn't allowed to be on the field but can do missions at home like controls and whatever. On this particular mission, Steve and the team are on a mission that lasts up to 4 months. Steve writes Natasha letters because that's the only way he can do so without blowing his cover. This is one his letters and it's Natasha's favorite.

Dear Natasha,

    The mission is almost up, we should be home within a few weeks. God, how I miss you so much. Can't wait to see you and our little soldier. Don't laugh at me, I know that the baby isn't here yet and we don't know the sex yet. I want you to know how much I love you. I love you so much that it hurts not being able to see your face everyday. I miss waking up to your beautiful self every morning. Instead I'm waking up to Tony's sarcasm. I'm sorry I can't get into depth of how much I love and appreciate you but it's because S.H.I.E.L.D. is limiting our communications now that the mission is coming to a close. But I hope you've been taking your prenatal vitamins that you hate so much and I can't wait to see you. Love you lots beautiful.

Your darling husband
Just something to post since I haven't posted anything since I put up "Steve & HSM". Also, I want to thank you all for the positive feedback from the last chapter.

Now you guys know how much I like to ask how you're doing so: HOW ARE YA? (yes I know I'm nosey lol) School is officially out for the summer and summer is starting to look real good. I may or may not be going to Virginia next week, I'm in a summer program that lasts for 3 weeks and I've applied to TWO jobs (I'm adulting). Also I can now and proudly call myself a High School senior because I will be one this coming fall.

P.S. Congratulations to anyone that has graduated from Middle School, High School, and College. Your off to do great tings! Love you lots😘

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