Prompt 11: "I was gonna propose to you."- Part 3/3

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Notice- Italics is Steve thinking and bold italics is Natasha thinking.

There stood Steve and Natasha in the center of the training room, face to face. After spending the day without seeing the other. They finally have found each other.

I missed you, red.

I missed you, soldier.

Steve stepped closer to his beloved. He had on blue dress pants, a white dress shirt and black dress shoes. Natasha wore dark blue high waisted jeans, an off white cropped sweater and black mid length boots.

Neither one still hadn't spoke, until Natasha said, "You look like there's something on your mind?"Natasha said breaking the silence. "So do you." Steve replied back. Natasha looks down with a small smile. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something." The red head said. "Me too." "Oh, but mine is really important." She says with a breathy laugh. "So is mine." Steve quips back. "Okay. How bout we say it at the same time?" Natasha suggests. "On the count of three." Steve says. He's such a two year old. "One..." "Two.." "Three."

"WILL YOU MARRY ME?..WHAT? Your proposing to me?! I was gonna propose to you." The two Avengers said at the same time, shocked. "What did you think all this was for?" Steve asks with a small laugh waving his hand around to point out the decorations and the song playing. "I just thought it was a date thing cause you always do things like this, babe." Natasha said placing a hand on her beau's neck. "It was actually to propose, silly." Steve said wrapping his arms around his darling's waist pulling her into him. The spy relaxed into his body laughing to herself. "Well, do you at least have ring?" she questioned. She could feel his laugh rumble through his chest. She looked up at him, him looking down at her. "I sure do." Steve pulled away and got on one knee and pulling out a black velvet box. Natasha was squealing with excitement. The box opened to reveal a beautiful engagement band. Steve slid the ring onto his betrothed's finger. "Will you marry me, Ms. Romanoff?" The female Avenger got down on one knee and said "Yes. Will you marry me, Mr. Rogers?" She said giggling. "It would be my pleasure." They shared sweet kiss, resting their foreheads on each others.

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