Prompt 11- "I was gonna propose to you." 2/3

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*This chapter is told in the perspective of Steve Rogers

SB: You do not have to listen to the music with this chapter. It is only one of two song references. 

Okay, so... it was a windy Saturday Autumn afternoon. It was a calm day at the Avengers facility in upstate New York. No imminent danger. No lives needing to be saved. No alien invasions. It was the perfect day. The team was relaxing in the comfort of the facility. Wanda and Vision were off doing couple things; Rhodey in recovery; Sam was in his room probably watching television; Peter was catching up on his studies; Natasha was somewhere in the facility, probably in her room or working with one of the trainees. 

I was sitting in my office staring out the window. How did I end up here? 70 years in the ice. I never would of thought I'd be here leading a team of superheroes. I ended up with the perfect woman, who happens to be my best friend. I thought to myself. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said fixing my posture in my chair. The knock came from none other than Peter. "Hello, Mr. Captain, you wanted to see me?" He piped up. "I told you kid, you don't have to call me that. Call me Steve." "Okay. Um, Mr. Steve." I loved this kid. He was absolutely infatuated with the fact that I was Captain America and he reminded me of myself when I was a youngster. "Uh, yeah. Have a seat." I said pointing at the seat across the desk. Peter sat down. "Okay, I know your a little young, but I figured your the best person to ask since you live in this day and age." "You want me to help with pop culture? I can start you off with vines!" Peter said excitedly. "No. I believe I'm caught up enough, but maybe another time." I laughed. "I wanted your help on proposing to Ms. Romanoff." "WHAT?! You want my help to propose to the Black Widow..whoa! This is a huge honor, sir." Peter said shocked. "Yeah. How should I go about it?" "Why don't you do it the traditional way?" "I want it to be spectacular. I like to be extra at times." I said matter of factly. Peter was quiet for a moment. I could see the wheels turning in his head. "Okay, I got it! This is what your gonna do..."

After I talked with Peter, I felt better about my proposal to her. Today was the day I was going to ask the woman I love, my very partner and best friend to marry me. Peter's plan seems foolproof. Now all I have to do is avoid Natasha and set everything up, but before I do anything I'll make a little scavenger hunt for the light of my life.

Fastforward to a few hours later>>>

I finally set up everything the way I imagined. Peter and I were looking everything over. "It looks good, Mr. Steve." Peter said looking at all the decorations. "It's just Steve and I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for you. Thanks, kid." I said to the smallest Avenger. "No problem, Mr.- I mean, Steve." Peter said looking as if he accomplished a major goal in his life. "Well, I'll be on my way now, sir. You should get ready." "Ready? Why?" "No offense, but do you really want to propose to your soon to be fiance in jeans and a t-shirt?" "Your right. Have good night, Parker." And with that I made my way to my room to freshen up.

While in the shower, I thought a lot about what she could say. What if she says no? What if she says no because she doesn't like the song I played? Wait, what song should I play? Hush, she'll love the proposal and she'll definitely say yes. But what song? I know she likes the group Little Mix, but I don't think I want to play them. I want something...sentimental. How about My Girl by the Temptations? No, that's a bit old school. Maybe I could do Stand by Me by Ben E. King? Nah. I got it! Photograph by Ed Sheeran. She'll love it. By the time I finished my shower, I had come to a decision on the song and was less nervous about the proposal. I dried my body off and walked back into my bedroom and put on blue dress pants and a white dress shirt. When I finished getting ready I made my way to the training room. I knew that it would be some time until Natasha would reach the room, so I decided to dim all the lights except for the one in the center of the room. 

After, I went and hid behind a stack of aerobic steps. A few minutes later I heard Photograph by Ed Sheeran begin to play. I seen her silhouette stand in the middle of the room under the light. That is when I walked out from behind my hiding spot. From where I was standing she would be able to see my face a little through the darkness. She turned around to me, body a little tense from being on guard. She relaxed from the realizing it was me. She looked amazing in just her high waisted dark blue jeans and off-white cropped sweater.

This was the perfect time to propose.

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