Timed Lovers (Part 2)

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Warning: Some language not too strong

"Jacob... Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Natasha asked shocked and trembling. " "Well, I was walking home and then I find you trying to get busy with Rogers here!" Jacob slurred while stepping towards Natasha. Steve saw this and stepped in front of the red head as she hid behind him. "Jacob, I think you need to take a little nap because right now you're too drunk." Steve suggested. "Shut your damn mouth! Nobody was talking to you pretty boy! This is between me and my girl! Natasha let's go!" Jacob yelled, fully enraged as he grabbed Natasha by the arm and nearly dragged her to the floor.

Steve took action as he saw the red head wince in pain from the grip on her arm. He then grabbed Natasha and stood in front of the drunken man before him and looked him in the eyes. "That's no way to treat a lady." Steve was dead serious and it infuriated him. "And what you gonna do about it, lab rat?" Jacob snarled through his slurred words. Steve could smell the whiskey on Jacob's breath.

Steve was about to retaliate, until he heard a familiar voice coming towards him, and it sure sounded angry and loud. That voice belonged to none other than James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes.

"So, I hear you tryna fight my best friend here! Well, if you fight him, you fight me!" Bucky said as he reached Jacob. James went to push Jacob down until he was yanked back. "Buck, you can't get into no fights. You're in the service remember." "I don't give a damn about me being in the service. Someone's tryna scuffle with my pal, I ain't havin' it." James said filled with rage. "Then why don't you do something about it Barnes?!" Jacob yelled at the brunette man. Bucky just death glared him. Your lucky Steve's here cause if he wasn't, you'd be a dead man, Bucky thought.

"Natasha, I'm...only gonna...say this...once...get  your ass over...here or so h-" Jacob said but before he could finish his sentence he had hurled up all of the liquor he had that night and probably some food too. When Jacob finished what came out of his system he collapsed to floor falling asleep. Steve, Bucky, and Natasha all stared at the man lying on the ground before them waiting for him to bounce back up. He didn't. "So should we like call the police?" Bucky suggested, breaking the silence that engulfed the three. "I think we should." Steve answered.

Steve contacted the police and the police took Jacob away to a hospital before taking him in for starting a bar fight and domestic abuse.

"So, where are you gonna stay now?" Steve asked Natasha as they walked back to their block. "I guess at my sister's apartment." The red head replied. "Oh..." Is all Steve said, finding his shoes very interesting. "Hey, don't get down. It's only a few blocks away." Natasha said stopping the super soldier and picking his chin up with her finger. Bucky was a few feet ahead of the two, pretending to not hear his neighbors flirt. There was then an awkward silence among the trio.

After a few minutes, the silence was unbearable for James so he decided to break it. "Alright, you two basically like each other and your not gonna do a thing about it. So I'm gonna play cupid. Steve ask her out." Steve shot his best friend a glare that said 'I'm gonna kill you' Bucky just gave him his famous smirk and said "Go on." "Um... Natasha would you consider going out with me?" Steve said with a blush growing on his cheeks. Good thing the darkness hid it. "Yes. Yes I would." Natasha said with a bright toothy smile. She stood on her tip toes and pecked Steve on the cheek. Then said her farewell to Bucky and made her way to her apartment building. Steve stood there with a shocked, yet ecstatic expression on his face. He was paralyzed.

James walked over to his pal. He put his hand on his shoulder. This shook Mr. Rogers out of his trance. Bucky looked at his friend and smiled. Then he said, "Your welcome, buddy."

Finally it's up and finished. Sorry I took so long to post this. There was so many times I had inspiration and then I lost it and then it came back. Then, work got in the way, so I got lazy. But I'm back and better than ever.
The next update is going to be "A Greaser and A Soc"
Also, if you have a request for this book just put it in the comments.

P.S. I want to say R.I.P. to @viodmaximoff aka Allison. She will be truly missed. She was an amazing writer and inspiration. I'm also sure she was an amazing human being.
Her account is currently being run by her roommate to keep her books going.

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