Author's Notice

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Hello everyone! No, this is not an update to this book. Yes, this is another author's note. I'm here to explain why I've been gone for so long (of you read my author's note on my other book then you know why). I haven't updated this book for the past 4 months because of testing and exams and so much work. The end of the school year gets crazy guys and I've also had MAJOR writer's block. It's not like I don't have an idea on what to write because I do,- and you guys are in for a big surprise- I just have no idea on how to pick it up and continue. What do you mean by this? Well, what I mean is, I have a chapter in my works for this book. I've been working on it since January and it's really good, I'm just having a hard to continuing it. I will be updating this book soon, I just need you guys, my readers, to hang in there and bear with me.

To make up for lost time, here is a sneak peek of what is to come in the next update:
"Natasha brought her book to a close, as she had finished the novel. She set the book on table next to the couch. When she put the book down, a cloud of dust had puffed up into the air. I haven't cleaned in that long. Tasha thought. She then got up and made her way to the bathroom, where Steve was taking a shower. Natasha opened the bathroom door loudly, making Steve jump in the process. "JESUS CHRIST!!!" Steve yelled as he broke into a defensive position, assuming someone was trying to attack him. Natasha was bent over in laughter. "Natasha. Don't do that. You scared me." He calmed himself. It took Natasha a few minutes to steady herself. When she finally did, she stood up right leaning on the door. "If only I could've caught that on tape. Whoo! Honey I'm about to start cleaning, do you mind if I play some music?" Natasha asked with a slight grin on her face from what happened moments before. "Not at all. Go ahead." Steve answered while closing the shower curtain and turning back to his previous activity. "Thanks." Natasha then closed the door and walked to the hallway closet and took out all their cleaning supplies: the mop, mop bucket, broom, duster, vacuum, air fresher, disinfectant spray, and all."

I really hope you guys enjoyed this sneak peek and I will see you guys really soon.


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