Quick (A/N)

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As you all can see, I am back in business!! It's about damn time. Well, I wanted to write this little note just to get you guys filled in on my life and why I've been gone for about a year.

First things first, I'm about to graduate high school.

Senior year of high school had to be the hardest year of my life and the most stressful

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Senior year of high school had to be the hardest year of my life and the most stressful. Whoever said that 12th grade year of high school was the easiest fucking lied.

As soon as the school year started, it was bumpy

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As soon as the school year started, it was bumpy. Actually correction, the week school was supposed to start, I cut four of my fingers on my left hand ( the hand I write with) in a skating accident. I couldn't do anything with that hand for a few weeks. When school started, it was demanding as hell. I had to get my college choices in order, apply for FAFSA/FSA Of financial aid. Next, I had to sign up to retake my SAT. Then, senioritis kicked in. For those of you that don't know what senioritis is the definition is down below:

 For those of you that don't know what senioritis is the definition is down below:

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So that happened. Another thing, I was super stressed over the money I was spending for prom, graduation, and my senior trips which we call "Senior Week". Another major factor of my hiatus was WRITERS BLOCK DUN DUN DUNNN!!!

But overall through my struggles, I did have a lot of fun and achievements.
1. I became captain of the cheerleading team
2. I got to be mentor to students that were in a lower grade than me
3. I talked to people I never actually talked to or thought of talking to
4. At my prom, I got to dance with my crush aka 'my man that's not really my man but is my man'
5. I'm graduating!! #CLASSOF2018
6. I am going to college. I am the third person in my family's generation to go to college.
7. I've grown as a person mentally, spiritually, and physically but mostly mentally.

But enough about me. I wanna know what's been happening with you guys since I've been gone. Feel free to hit me up. Don't be shy.😊

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