A Greaser & A Soc (Part 3)

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All the students had rushed to there appointed classes. Natasha went to her class within the sea of people surrounding her.

While in class, Natasha couldn't focus on nothing else but Steve. What's going to happen to him?

The Next Day...

It was the day after the Tony-Steve incident and sadly Steve got suspended for a week, but Tony got 3 hours detention. Shocker, I know. Natasha had gotten no sleep at all the night before. The only thing she kept thinking about was if Steve was okay.

That morning she had arrived at school a little late to first period. Good thing it was a half a day.

Natasha rushed straight to her car after school ended. When she arrived at she got in and rushed off. She just wanted to drive off somewhere.

Natasha drove to Central Park. She then walked to her favorite place in the park. A hidden garden no one knew about. The scarlet haired teen sat on a bench and just pondered on what happened in past couple of days staring at the pond in front of her.

Tasha was taken out of her thoughts when she heard a rustling in the bushes. She looked up from the pond and  in the direction where she heard the rustling. Natasha was about to get up and investigate when a figure popped out the bushes. It was Steve.

Natasha relaxed when she realized who it was. But then she wondered how he even knew of her secret place. Steve looked a little shocked as well. There was an awkward silence.

Steve broke the silence. "Hey... uh.. what are you doing here?" He asked stumbling over his words. "Um... this is where I like to go to-to.. um.." Natasha was also stumbling over her words. "To think?" "Yeah.... Have a seat." Steve walked over to the redhead and sat down next to her. "You know I'm really sorry about what happened at school yesterday. I understand if you don't want to go out with me anymore. I broke our-" The blonde haired man was cut off with a pair of soft pink lips. Natasha and Steve stayed like that for another minute and then they pulled apart looking into each other's eyes with their foreheads touching. "It's okay. It's not your fault. You were just trying to protect me." Natasha said in a low whisper as if it was secret. "So does that mean you still want to go out?" Steve said with hopefulness but in a tone that matched the redhead. Natasha giggled and then responded with "Yes."


The date went well on both ends. Natasha began going out more with Steve on dates.

IT'S FINALLY UP!!! YAY!!!! I know I took forever to put this up but that's because I wanted it to be perfect for you even though the ending sucks. Well, I missed you guys so much. Tell me about what's been happening in your life. What's new?!

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