A Romanogers Christmas!

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It was Christmas Eve and all the Avengers were hanging decorations, baking cookies and drinking egg nog. Well, everyone except Tony. Everyone had been invited to the Avengers Tower for the holidays.
"Merry Christmas, everyone!" yelled Tony throughout the tower. This year he went all out. He had lights hung everywhere inside and outside the building.

Wanda left to visit Pietro's grave. Vision went with her being that they were a couple. Falcon and Rhodey payed tribute to fallen soldiers. Natasha and Clint went to the farm to see the family. And Mr. Rogers went ring shopping.
Yes, you read that right.

"How about this one sir?" the clerk said pulling out a silver ring with a green emerald rock in the middle. "It's perfect! I'll take it. How much?" Steve said pulling out his wallet. "Oh, you can have it for free. Have a wonderful Christmas." said the clerk. "Thank you. Same to you."

Time Skip bought to you by Loki and Tom Hiddleston pouring each other tea and discussing books»

Back at the tower, Steve walked into the main living area where all the Avengers sat. All of them except two assassins. "Hey, Steve." greeted Wanda with her usual accent. "Hey, guys. Is Natasha and Clint here yet." "No their packing up the family for the ride here." answered Sam. "Great, I got Nat the best present." "What did buy Lady Romanoff Captain of America?" asked Thor. Steve then pulled out the ring. Everyone gathered around him in amazement staring at the beautiful ring.
"She's going to love it." said Pepper. Pepper was in the kitchen baking cookies and cakes. She had asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to pull up the ring. "Thanks, Pepper."

Time Skip to Christmas Day»

It was Christmas Day and all the Avengers, including Clint's children ran down the stairs to the big tree in the centre of the living room to open and hand out gifts. "Not so fast everyone!" Pepper said before anyone could even reach the tree. "Christmas breakfast first." Everyone had nodded in agreement and had a lavish meal filled with bacon, Santa faced pancakes, eggs, toast, pop tarts, and so on.
By noon everyone went to Central Park and had the most epic snowball fight along with a snow man building competition. Tony and Pepper had created snow versions of themselves because Tony insisted. Clint and Laura did Katniss. Thor did Loki. Wanda and Vision did the Avengers Tower. Sam and Rhodey attempted to do an airplane. Natasha doing a girl in a ballet stance and Steve being an over achiever did himself and Natasha, perfectly.

By 8:00pm, everyone sat in their pajamas drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows around the tree handing out presents.

The entire team had received their gifts and went in different spots of the room to converse and etc. It was now Steven Grant Rogers turn to give a gift. He walked up to Natasha where she was standing by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa looking into the flames. "Excuse me, Ms. Romanoff can I ask you a question?" said the captain. "You just did," quipped the red head. "Go ahead Steve" she giggled. "Natasha, you are the most beautiful woman I've met since I fell into the ice 70 years ago. You're funny, charming, sexy, and most of all surprising. You always seem to amaze me. Every single day. What I'm trying to say here is," Steve got down on one knee. "Natalia Alianova Romanoff, will you do me the honours of spending the rest of your life in my arms?" Steve popped the question while popping open a black velvet box with a ring in it. Natasha stared at Steve and then the ring and back at Steve and began to sob. "Yes!  Yes, I'll marry you Steve." Natasha said in between sobs. After Steve slid the ring onto his beloved finger everyone began to cheer. Natasha and Steve then looked up to see they were standing underneath mistletoe and kissed. Natasha broke the kiss a second later to hand Steve his gift. "I have a gift for you too. Close your eyes and No peaking." Natasha pulled out something from her pj pants and said, "I'm pregnant. Merry Christmas, Steve!" As Steve processed what he just heard he let it sink in. As he did so, a huge grin spread across his face. He then picked Natasha up in his arms and spun her around. "I'm going to be a father!" Steve yelled not realizing it.

And everyone laughed and joked and watched Christmas movies and by the end of the night they were all asleep in the living on the couch and carpet.
Merry Christmas everyone (or to those that celebrate it)  Even though I personally don't celebrate the holiday, I thought that I give you guys a romanogers based story for the holiday. The next update will be on News Years. Happy holidays everyone.

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