Your Safe

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Warning: Very sad (sorry no feels in this one, don't hurt me)

Strapped to a lab table. A bright light shining in her face along with doctors surrounding her. She  began to panic. They stuck something in her arm. It was a needle filled with a clear liquid. At first she didn't feel anything but the next there was a burning sensation through her body. She broke the binds and started screaming from the top of her lungs. Waterfalls gushed out of her eyes. Scratching so bad that she made blood appear. The pain was unbearable.

Natasha tossed and turned in her shared bed with her loving husband Steve. She was having another nightmare. These types of dreams often left her unrested.  She tossed and turned so much and then began to scream an ear piercing scream. She didn't wake up but she woke up Steve. He got up looking frightened and confused. He then looked over to his wife, Natasha who was screaming her head off and crying her eyes out. Steve went to  comfort her in a hug but instead received a hug from the empty spot left by Natasha. She was now in the corner of the room. She was breathing heavily. Steve ran over to her and pulled her into a comforting hug. "It's okay Natasha. Your safe. I got you. They won't hurt you." Steve whispered into Natasha's ear. She began to calm down and breathe normally.

"I'm sorry." Natasha apologized feeling embarrassed. "You don't have too." Steve reassured. "It's okay if you get those dreams." Steve said "I still love you." She didn't reply. All she could think about was the horrors of the Red Room. "Do you want to tell me about?" Steve asked concerned about his love. He picked her up bridal style and sat in the chair by the window. "It was them. I was a little girl...and they gave me the serum... and then it started burning and I started screaming... then crying. It went on for hours." Natasha explained her nightmare to Steve summoning all her strength to not cry or hold back. In the back of her mind a little voice kept saying 'Showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Sharing Intel is a sign of weakness.' That little voice was her old masters. But her heart told  Natasha that she needed to talk about it. "Its okay baby. Everything is gonna be alright. Remember your not with them any more. You're with me, and as long as you're with me I'm going to be there to protect you." Steve told her lovingly. "I love you, Steven Grant Rogers." Steve got up from the chair and placed Tasha on the bed and then layed down facing her. "I love you, too, Natasha Alianova Romanoff." They kissed each other and spent the rest of the night in each others arms. The words 'I love you, too' played over and over in Natasha's head the entire night.

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