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Remember when I wrote that one shot when Natasha gave Steve a pregnancy test for Christmas? Yeah you member(George Lopez reference) Well here's a part two to that one shot on what happened after. This is set a few months after.

5 months later...

"Hey, honey!" Steve called from the door of his and Natasha's shared apartment. "Hey, babe." Said Natasha from the kitchen. "Something smells good." "It's spaghetti." Natasha said as Steve wrapped his arms around her from behind and placing his hands on her bulging belly. "How was work?" Asked Natasha as she turned her head and kissed her loving husband on the cheek. "You know same as usual." Steve said walking away from Natasha and going into there bedroom to change. Natasha went to get plates out. "How was your day, babe?!" Steve yelled from the room. "It was great." Natasha yelled back smiling to herself. Steve returned and sat down as soon as Natasha placed some spaghetti on his plate. She then took her seat after doing the same to her plate and setting the pot back on the stove. "I have a surprise for you." The redhead said giving her signature smirk. "What is it?" Steve said with a curious look in his eyes. Natasha laughed at his expression, she loved when he did I that. "Look down." She said as she began to dig into her plate of food.
Steve looked down and saw a sonogram of a baby, a baby boy. "It's a boy?" Steve said with amazement as he got up from his seat at the table. "It's a boy!" Natasha repeated as Steve kissed her passionately.

4 months after...

Steve was in the waiting area along with the other Avengers, waiting to see his beautiful wife and his new son that was being born now. He was at the facility when Natasha went into labor.
"Mr. Rogers, you can come in now." Said the nurse. When Steve heard those words he almost when running, but instead walked/skipped to the room.
When the super soldier entered the room he calmed himself. He turned his head to look at Natasha who had a tired smile on her face. He smiled back, then looked down to the blue bundle in her arms and shed silent happy tears. "You want to hold him?" Natasha asked in a hushed tone, not wanting wake the sleeping child on her arms. All Steve did was nod his head as he went to pick up his child, his son. He study the baby's features. He has his mother's hair and nose. He thought.
"So, what's his name?" Asked Tony who seemed really excited to know. "His name is James. James Rogers." Natasha said as she looked in the direction of Bucky who was sitting in a chair by the window. All Bucky did was smile.
About an hour later, all the Avengers left the hospital and all that was left was Natasha and Steve. "You did really well." Steve whispered. "Thanks, babe." Natasha said tiredly. "I love you, Red." Steve said with a smile. Natasha laughed. "I love you, too, Cap." Steve bent down and kissed his wife on the lips and said "I'll see first thing in the morning, okay." "Ok, see you tomorrow."

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