(A/N) About Requests

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Hello again! This is another notice, not a chapter update. I just have a couple of questions for those of you that put in request for the stories in the other authors note.

For "Timed Lovers" Requests:
What year do you want it to take place. If you didn't read my authors note from 5 days ago, I advise you to look at it for clarity and it's set in the 1940s.

For "Don't Leave Me" Requests:
What year would you prefer it take place. It's set in the 1940s as well as "Timed Lovers"

For "A Greaser & A Soc" Requests:
1. What year between 1950 to 1955 would you like it to take place?(set in the 50s)
2. Who would you like to be the Greaser and who would you like to be the Soc?

That's all I needed to know you guys. Also, keep requesting and comment to these questions.

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