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It's a hot summer day in August. The Avengers team was hanging out in Avengers Tower in New York City. Everyone was doing what they wanted. Wanda watching Pietro question Vision on if he's boyfriend material. Sam and Bucky challenging each other in different training exercises. Scott and Peter watching Bucky and Sam challenge each other. Tony in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. Bruce in the lab. And lastly, Steve and Natasha sitting on the couch enjoying each other's company. "You know, instead of sitting here gazing into each other's eyes all day, we could go do something else." Natasha stated. "Oh really. Like what?" Steve questioned, all the while looking into Natasha's emerald green eyes. "I don't know. Go for a walk around the city." Natasha said exasperated unblinking her view from Steve's blue eyes to the television. "Might I suggest that you two love birds, go to see a national monument." Tony said as he walked into the living room with a sandwich in one hand and Sprite in the other and sitting down onto a chair. "And what national monument would you suggest us to see?" Steve asked. "The Statue of Liberty." "Oooh, I like it. Let's go!" Natasha said getting up from her seat on the couch and walking to the stairs. "But what about the ferry?" Steve asked also getting up from his seat. "I got the schedule, right here." Tony said handing the sheet of paper to the Captain. Steve looked at Tony with a look of appreciation and went upstairs as well. "What would those crazy kids do with out me?" Tony said to himself taking a sip of his Sprite.

A few hours later

Steve & Natasha had just gotten off the ferry and began walking towards entrance to the Statue of Liberty. "Okay, we're here. Let's go inside." Steve suggested. "No shit, Sherlock." Natasha said with a sarcastic looking smirk on her face. Steve playfully rolled his eyes at her admiring her sarcasm.

Once the two got inside, Steve headed to towards the bathroom. "I'm going to the restroom. Wait for me here?" "Sure thing." the red head replied. As soon as Steve was out of the spy's sight, she checked her surroundings and made a break for the chandelier hanging in above her (I honestly don't know if there's a chandelier in the Statue of Liberty, just going off of my imagination). Natasha climbed the chandelier without being noticed. She knew she wasn't noticed because no officers tried to stop her. When Natasha got up on the chandelier, waited for Steve to come out the men's room, but she didn't have to wait that long.

Steve had finally came out the men's room and went back to spot he left Natasha at, only thing when he got there, she wasn't there. He looked around his surroundings looking for his love. His searching stopped when something fell on top of his head. It was a gum wrapper. Steve looked up and to his surprise it was Natasha on top of the chandelier chewing gum. The soldier didn't want to cause any attention so he took out his cellphone and called the spy's phone.

"Get down from there." Steve whisper-yelled through the phone. "No way!" Natasha said with a light laugh. "This is fun." "Natasha get down from there or so help me God." "'So help me God' what?" Natasha teased. "I'm going to call the police." The soldier said hoping it would get her down. "Go ahead, I'll fight them!" Steve stayed quiet for moment weighing his options. He knew Natasha wasn't going to get down if he told her or if the police told her, but then he got an idea. The blonde haired man took a pack of chocolate chip cookies out his pocket and told Natasha through the phone, "I have cookies!" "Yeah. So?" Natasha said with a shrug of her shoulders. "There chocolate chip. Your favorite." Steve said in a sing song voice. Natasha thought about it and got right on down from the chandelier the same way she got up there. Natasha then went over to Steve and snatched the cookies out his hands. "Give me those." Tasha stuffed a cookie in her mouth. The spy and soldier then took an elevator ride all the way up to Lady Liberty's crown.

While looking over New York's skyline, Tasha spoke up. "Just for the record, I would've fought the police." Steve chuckled. "I know you would've. I know." He said putting his arm around his girl.

Hello Romanogers lovers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have a lot to catch up on with both my stories being that I have request to do. This was a little something something I wanted to do. I have a small favor to ask you guys. It doesn't involve this book or my other book. So here it goes: Do you guys have any idea on how to plan a party? The reason I ask is because my family wants to throw me a sweet 18 (I call it Elegant 18) and they want me to get everything I want ready in a list. I already have some of the decorations but that's pretty much it. I'm just asking for pointers because it's supposed to be at this catering place. I'd really appreciate it. Hit me up in a private message. Thanks guys & gals. Also, to anyone that has started school, good luck this year/semester and hope your school year is filled with many wonderful memories.

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