Prompt 3: "You're drunk."

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of drug use and alcohol. A lot of fluff. Mentions of nudity, just a teensy bit. Some profanity usage

Location: New York, NY; Natasha Romanoff apartment

It was Friday night and Natasha was sitting at home with her long time friend, Steve Rogers. Steve had come over to help Natasha decorate. They had finished decorating earlier that day. All that was being done now was relaxing.

Steve was sitting in a sofa chair reading a book, while Natasha flipped through some channels. Natasha was extremely bored, so she shut the television off. She then rested her head on the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Steve glanced up at his fiery haired friend. "What's wrong?" he asked her still concentrating on his book. "I'm booorrrreeeddd. Let's do something." Natasha said, sounding like a child. "Well, it's 6:00pm, what do you want to do?" Steve said, placing his bookmark in the page he left off on before setting it down on the lamp table. "Hmmm..." the spy thought. "Let's go to the club." She said with a small smirk playing on her face. "The club? I don't think that's the type of scene for me." the blonde haired man said disagreeing instantly. "Come on, Steve. This is a great way for you to loosen up and get to know the 21st Century." Natasha said. Steve somewhat convinced still looked at his friend questionable. "I don't know..." "Please, Steve. For me." Natasha gave the super soldier puppy dog eyes and poked her lip out. Steve, finally convinced said, "Fine." he said with a light laugh and a rolling of his eyes. "Yay! Now what are you gonna wear?" the red haired said standing up from her seat on the couch looking her teammate up and down. "What's wrong with what I have on?" Steve asked standing up in front of his friend. "You have on grey sweatpants and a t shirt. That is not club appropriate." Natasha started walking to her room, with Steve following right behind her. Once they reached her room, Natasha had already started digging through her closet for clothes for Steve. Steve stood in her doorway. "What are you looking for?" Steve laughed at how Natasha threw clothes and shoes out her closet and across the room behind her. Natasha came out her closet with a black t shirt and blue jeans for Steve. Walking towards the super soldier, she said, "These are for you." Steve took the clothes inspecting them. "Where did you get these?" "Your house." the assassin said nonchalantly. "How?" "I like to take your shirts and your pants just in case of situations like this." She said turning to look at him. "Now go take a shower. I'll wash your undergarments." "Yes, mother." Steve said walking towards the bathroom.

Time skip brought to you by Shuri and Peter playing UNO

Steve and Natasha had showered, Natasha did her hair and a light makeup look, they both got dressed and were ready to hit the club. They both were standing outside Natasha's apartment building. "Okay, Steve. Since it takes a lot to get you tipsy, you are the designated driver." Natasha said handing Steve the car keys. "I'm not even gonna argue about that. But, question. What club are we going to? There's a lot all over New York." Steve questioned getting in the driver's seat. "Well, since you asked. We're going to an underground club." Nat said getting in the passenger's seat. "Won't we still get noticed?" "Where we're going, it won't matter if we get noticed or not." Steve felt skeptical, but intrigued nonetheless.

Time skip brought to you by Okoye, Natasha, and Wanda lip-syncing Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé

Natasha and Steve had parked the car and went inside a building that had colorful lights shining out the windows. "This is the place. Let's go." Natasha said. There was no security standing at the entrance to the building, so the two Avengers walked into the building and took the elevator to the top floor. Once they arrived at the party floor, the elevator doors opened to reveal a scene that just made there jaws drop. In the center, people were dancing, in the back center wall, there was a DJ; on the right wall there was a bar where people were drinking like it was no tomorrow; on the left wall there was people smoking (marijuana, hookah, etc.). There was a sign above the DJ that said 'BATHROOM NEAR STAIRS'. "I'm gonna go get a drink. You want one?" Natasha yelled over the loud music. "Sure." Steve said. They went to the bar to get drinks. Natasha ordered two shots of Vodka. They both took there shots and ordered two more shots of Vodka. The DJ then turned the current song playing down and said threw his mic, "I know ya know this one.. HERE WE GO!!" Right after that Nicki Minaj's Chun-Li begun to play. "OHMYGOD! I love this song!" Natasha pulled Steve to the dance floor as they begun to dance to the song while Natasha sang the chorus from the top of her lungs. "BITCH ITS KING KONG, YES ITS KING KONG BITCH ITS KING KONG THIS IS KING KONG" Steve laughed as he watched his friend have the time of her life.

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