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When Peter woke up he was confused for a second, unsure where he was until he remembered last night. He sat up and noticed the smell of freshly made food. Intrigued he went out of the room to find Wade in the kitchen wearing casual clothes and his mask which was shimmied up to reveal his mouth. He was standing there cooking.

Peter chuckled finding the image a bit odd, usually seeing the merc bloodied and without some of his limbs. He walked up to him. "Uh, hey, thanks for letting me crash here."

"No problem, Webs. I hope you like pancakes!" He turned around shooting him a big smile.

"Oh, you didn't have to. I don't want to be any trouble!" He felt kind of weird having the other do all those things for him.

"Sit down and relax. You're no trouble at all." Wade put down the freshly made food and sat down with him. He put some pancakes on his plate adding poured himself some coffee. "So you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, thanks. Sorry for bleeding on your floor."

Wade chuckled. "It's fine I bleed on it all the time." They continued eating, luckily without awkward silence because Wade was talking like a waterfall-like always. Normally Peter would get annoyed, especially when it was during missions where he had to concentrate but right now it was a blessing in disguise.

He felt a bit strange hanging out casually like this but then again why not, they were friends right? Or more like work friends, since they didn't hang out like this apart from work.

After they finished Peter insisted on cleaning the dishes after all the help the other had provided. While doing so he felt the other's eyes stare into him. Maybe he found it a bit weird too.

Wade sorta liked him standing there in his clothes washing dishes. He took a second to realize the other was talking to him. "Huh, sorry Webs, what did you say?"

"I just said thank you, for all your help and that I gotta go. I've got work in a bit."

"Oh yeah, don't mention it!" Wade smiled.

"Still, thanks. Uh, where did you put my suit?"

"Oh it's on the sofa, but I wouldn't put it over the wounds while it's still dirty. You can keep my clothes, just give them back whenever we see each other again." Wade smiled. "Oh and here!" He handed him a piece of paper. "It's my Netflix login, can't have you missing awesome shows."

"Wade, I couldn't-"

"Come on I'm paying for it anyway. I already made you a profile and put some shows and movies on your watch list." He smirked and put the paper in his hand.

Peter gathered his suit. "Thank you, again." He went to the door. "See you around, Wade." With that, he swung back to his apartment. When he arrived he pulled off his mask taking a deep breath, wearing it while sleeping was uncomfortable. He quickly took a shower and put Wade's clothes in the washer before heading to work.

"Dr. Octavius?" He stepped into the lab looking for his boss. "I'm on time today and brought coffee."

The man came out holding some papers that he put on the table next to him. "Hello, Peter." He looked at his watch. "You're even a bit early. Oh, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Otto?"

"Right, right sorry. It's a habit." Peter smiled and handed him the coffee snd put on a lab coat. "So how's the neural network going? I heard Mr. Osborn is coming next week to look at it."

"Yes, we got a lot of work to do. Come here look at this." Otto motioned over to the computer and showed Peter the software. "It's almost ready it just has some knicks we have to clear out."

They got to work and worked longer than expected. When the evening rolled around Otto looked at his watch. "Oh, I kept you for too long, again. Sorry Peter you can go home for today I'll just clean up and then head home too."

"No worries. I like working here so I don't mind. Do you need any help cleaning up?"

"No, no you head home," Otto reassured him and they said their goodbyes. When Peter got home he grabbed himself something to drink and put the clothes in the dryer before starting to learn.

The next day he grabbed Wade's clothes out of the dryer and put them in his bag before meeting MJ for lunch.

She greeted him with a warm embrace. "Hey!"

"Hey, good to see you." He smiled and sat down with her. "How was your audition?"

"Good I hope, still waiting for the callback." She got the food out of the oven and put it in front of them before looking at him frowning. "Looks like you got beaten up again."

"Yeah, comes with the territory." He chuckled and went over his bruised lip. "But that's part of it I guess."

"Still you could be a bit more careful."

"I know, mum."

"I'm just worried. Anyways did you get that second job at the bar you talked about?" MJ changed the topic knowing telling him to be careful would lead to nothing.

Peter smiled. "Yes, starting tomorrow evening after being at Octavius'! Hopefully, that will help with the bills. Fixing that suit is expensive."

"It got busted again?"

He ate some of the food before responding. "Yeah, but I gotta tell you about what happened after. By the way, this tastes amazing!"

"Thanks, I tried something new." She smiled. "So what happened?"

"Well, while I was sitting in the alleyway after fighting to take a quick breath Deadpool showed up."

"The mercenary?"

"Yeah, well he insisted on helping me get patched up so I went with him. It was weirdly nice? We hung out afterward and watched some movies."

"I thought you didn't like him?"

"It's complicated. He's funny and nice for a merc. But sometimes he can get on my nerves. I don't know I would call him a work friend. He is definitely nicer than most of the Avengers and he has a good sense of humor I guess." Peter paused. "I don't know but I gotta return his clothes after hanging out with you."

"His clothes? Did you sleep at his place?" MJ got more into the story. "Wait did you guys hook up?"

"No no! Nothing like that, I guess I must have dozed off and he just let me sleep. But we didn't hook up! Why would you think that?"

"I don't know you guys seem to get along and you're a single college student. Wouldn't be that weird? I mean I hooked up with a girl from theatre class for a while." She shrugged and continued eating.

"I mean I guess your right but- wait which girl from theatre class? Sally?"

"No, Liz Allen. We kind of bonded about being your ex." She laughed. "I told you about that before, though."

"Sorry, totally forgot about it."

"She asked about you, last class by the way? She was wondering how you were doing. Did you ever text her again?"

"I kind of lost her number when my phone got fried by electro last year."

"Oh, Peter-"

They continued talking and eating for a while before saying their goodbyes. "Hey, text me about how your first day went."

"Will do! Thanks for lunch." Peter hugged her before putting on his mask and swinging over to where he remembered Wade's apartment being. When he arrived he knocked on the door. Standing there was kind of awkward but luckily the other opened the door whether quickly.

"Oh, Webs! Hey, how's it going? You feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks." Peter handed him the clothes. "I was in the neighborhood and wanted to drop these off."

"Thanks, you could've kept them longer though there was no rush." Wade took them. "Do you wanna come in for a while?"

"Sorry, gotta bounce again. I still gotta learn a bit."

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