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Wade came into the room after a few minutes to find the other crying next to her and pulled him into a hug. "Oh, baby boy-"

"I'm scared that she'll die, Wade."

"She'll be fine, Peter."

"How do you know?" He sobbed.

"She's a Parker. You guys are resilient." Wade kissed him on the head. "Come on, let's wait here until she's better. I'll stay with you."

"Thank you." Peter wiped away some tears. "Sorry, I'm a mess right now."

"It's alright. How about-"

"Oh shit the antiserum-" Peter jumped up putting his mask on and giving the antiserum to the scientists pleading with them to be as fast as possible.

When he came back Wade had already got the first aid kit out. Peter gave him a tired smile.

Wade bandaged him up frowning at him getting hurt again. "You gotta be more careful. You're not me, you can't just walk off a stab wound."

"I know, I'm sorry."

They stayed there for a few hours until the first dose was ready and administered to May. Peter could finally breathe again. The weight from his heart dropped. He might have a lot to work through but it was over for now.

May hugged him tightly. Peter hid his face in her neck. "I was so scared. I thought you- I thought-"

"It's alright. I'm fine."

Wade gently hit her arm. "Like I said resilient."

May pulled him into a hug too. "Thank you, Wade."

"For what?"

"Looking after my boy."

Peter chuckled embarrassedly.

They talked for a while, May having to stay there for a while since she was still weak. Eventually, she fell asleep.

"Do you wanna stay here, baby boy? Or should I drive us home?"

"Take me home Wade."

Wade helped him up and after he put his mask back on they made their way outside. Peter sat in the passenger seat as the other drove. He leaned against the window and sighed. "I think I need a break, Wade."

"Oh, hell you definitely do, baby boy!"

"Otto knew."


"He knew it was me. He knew who I was and just didn't care-" Peter paused being tired. He would have been upset talking about this all but he was so emotionally drained that he had no energy to get upset. "He let the others beat me up and he was going to kill me."

"Jesus fuck-"

"Yeah, I don't really know what to think. To know that he was ready to let so many people die to let May die- have I ever really known him? We worked together for 2 years and he was almost like a father figure to me. Was he always like that? Did I just not see it?"

"Hey, I don't really know the guy, only met him at thanksgiving but I don't think he was always like that. Sometimes people's psyche ruins them." Wade chuckled while driving. "I mean look at me. I'm fucked up I was always fucked up. There are voices in my head telling me things and it's hard to argue against them. But when you're with me they get quieter or less killy. Anyway, I'm rambling, what I mean is maybe there was always some underlying baggage there but I don't think that made him as evil as he got. I think those arms really fucked with him."

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