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Peter found himself standing in front of the bar being told which table is which. His employer looked at him. "I looked at your application again. Are you sure you applied to the right place?"

"Yes, Mr. Hammer. I really need the cash." Peter smiled and put on the apron the other handed him. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"It's Jack. No need for the formalities."

"Okay, thank you, Jack." Peter started working. He brought a few pints to a table before returning to the bar. The night went on smoothly for the most part. It was a rowdy bar but as long as the job paid well he didn't mind. While walking back after cleaning up some puke he ran into someone.

"Oh, fu- I'm really sorry." Peter looked up at him and froze up.

"Oh, no problem!" The man smiled and just hearing the voice made Peter sure that it was Wade he had never seen his face before but he has seen him enough to be sure. "Are you new here?"

"Uh-yeah!" Peter prayed that he didn't know. "My name's Peter Parker I'm the new waiter."

"Well, nice to meet you my name's Wade, and -"

"Wilson! Can you not harass my new employee?" Jack went up to him and handed Peter some drinks pointing him to the table.

Wade looked after him. "Weasel, good to see you. So the new guy-"

"He applied for the position a week ago and well it's weird he doesn't fit my normal waiters. You know dad ran off, and stuff. He seems too normal to be here."

"Normal, huh? He's cute." Wade watched him clean the tables.

"He's not in your league dude. He goes to college and works for some science guy. He's too smart to fall for you." Weasel poured him a glass.

"You'll see I have my charm. People like bad guys." Wade took a sip.

"Sure, leather jacket-wearing hot guys not mercenaries. Anyways I got a job for you."

Peter finished work pretty late and handed his apron in, walking outside. It was dark and cold.

"You need a ride?" Wade came out after him. "Don't worry I didn't drink too much."

"Oh it's alright I can take the subway" Peter gave him a small smile. "The station is right around the corner."

"You really wanna take the subway at this time of night? This area is pretty dangerous."

Peter knew he was just gonna swing home but couldn't tell that Wade. "I'm tougher than I look."

"Okay, well then see you around pretty boy." Wade gave him a wink and went to his car.

For the next few days, Peter was getting used to working in the bar. Tonight was no different he brought alcohol to the tables and to Wade who started tipping him a lot.

"Ah, there's my favorite Waiter again!" Wade smiled as Peter brought him his Whiskey.

"And my favorite customer." Peter smiled.

"You're just saying that because I tip well."

"Maybe who knows. So how was your day?" He had become more comfortable meeting him outside of being spiderman even if it was still in bit weird.

"Great, it got even better seeing you here, pretty boy."

Peter rolled his eyes at the nickname but got distracted when he saw someone puking. "I just cleaned that spot." He grabbed the mop and went to clean it.

When it came time for closing Peter noticed that Weasel had miscalculated the income of the night. "Uhm- sorry but may I?" He showed him the problem. "There! That should do it. I'll clock out for the day if that's okay."

"Sure, you already cleaned up so no need to keep you here."

When Peter went outside he saw Wade again.

"Can I offer you a ride this time?"

"Okay, sure. But only if it's no problem." Peter smiled. If he didn't know that Wade was Deadpool, he would have never gotten into the car with him but considering their position he thought it would be fine.

Wade opened the door for him and got in as well. "So where'd you live?"

Peter told him his address and they started driving. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem, so I heard you're going to college?"

"Yeah, I'm a Biophysics major."

"Oh cool, what do you learn there?"

"You don't wanna hear that it's boring." Peter chuckled.

"Try me!"

"Okay." Peter started talking about the topic they were on at the moment and was surprised at how intently the other was listening.

"That sounds cool! You could be like a superhero with all that knowledge." Wade smiled brightly. "Why are you working at Weasel's joint with knowledge like that?"

"I need the money, apartments aren't cheap I already got a job working with Dr. Octavius but it wasn't enough."

"Damn, How'd you manage all that?"

"I don't." Peter laughed. Having someone so interested in him as a person was nice. He never pecked Wade for being interested in his life but apparently, he was wrong. "So, are you a mercenary?"

"Yeah, trying hard not to be though."


"There's this guy I work with and he hates me killing people. He's got this moral compass, with great power comes great responsibility and all. I'm just trying to be his friend so I'm trying to be better. But I never quite know what he thinks."

"I think he'll appreciate it." Peter smiled feeling weirdly touched.

"You think so? I haven't seen him in a few days, now that I'm thinking about it I hope he's okay." Wade smiled.

"Probably got a lot on his plate I wouldn't take it too seriously."

They continued driving until Wade reached Peter's apartment building. "See ya around, pretty boy!"

"Yeah see you around." Peter smiled. "Thank you again, Wade." He got out and waved the other goodbye.

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