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The next week Peter had gone back to Jack to ask for the job back apologizing for quitting in the first place. The other was just glad to fill the position and at that with someone reliable. He had great waiters but they were also the shitty ones especially running a place like the one he did. Over the years he had a lot of drug addicts and alcoholics. So having someone stable was nice.

Peter also kept working with Otto, despite not getting any money. He believed in him and his vision. To him, he was a genius. On top of that, he had kind of become a mentor and father figure for him. He was just really kind.

On Monday they had finished the neural network and when Peter came in the next day Otto greeted him with two arms connected to his back. They were moving so smoothly and looked different. The arms were longer and the ends more claw-like. It made Peter want his own for Spidey stuff some extra arms would be cool. But they looked too harsh for a good guy. He would probably make people scared of him.

They were connected to the other's head via a chip. It made him amazed at what things technology could accomplish but then again Oscorp and Stark industries exist.

"Isn't this great Peter? And your work on the neural network was the key!" Otto smiled and was like an excited child.

"Amazing." Peter watched the other walk on the arms when he grew a bit concerned. "But we haven't tested it yet. There is so much we don't know."

"It works beautifully. Come on take a look." Otto showed him the work and analysis on the tablet, excitedly waiting for the other's reaction.

Peter took it having a bad feeling. The work was still in the works testing it so soon could have consequences. He looked at it and there were multiple side effects and bad ones. For example, the network could affect the other's short-term and long-term memory as well as his mood. In short, it could really mess with him.

"This is bad." Peter turned to where the other was standing only to not find him there. "Doctor?" He turned around hearing the metal arms clang on the floor as he came toward him. It was sort of menacing. "I found a potential problem-"

"Everything has problems if you look hard enough. But fortune favors the bold." Otto let two extra arms come out. He let them hold him up hovering over Peter. "It's time to show the world what we've done!"

"Otto, the neural network isn't isolating your motor neurons. It could be affecting other parts of your brain, your inhibitions, and your mood. I just think we need to do some more testing-"

"We've done enough testing! For the first time in my life, I don't feel like a failure. I feel like me!" He walked closer to the other.

Peter felt his Spider senses tingling. This was bad, really bad. He slowly backed away putting his arms up a bit to have some distance, trying to reason with the other. "Otto, you're not a failure. But this could permanently damage your mind. Please."

"Right." Otto felt bad for scaring the other even if he was still conflicted. The arms made him powerful. He backed down standing on his own two feet again. "Right." He disconnected the chip, making the arms sink to the floor.

"Don't worry. We're close."

"I'll keep at it, work out some bugs. Go, take the rest of the day off. You have done enough."

Peter was glad the other's face had softened again. "You sure you're okay?"


Peter nodded and turned around and started to leave. Before he walked out Otto spoke up again. "Thank you, Peter. For- For everything."

He just turned around and smiled at him, before leaving.

Peter was swinging back home still thinking about it. That was scary. He felt like he was talking to a whole different person. Life was crazy right now and he was just glad to get back and talk with Wade about it or to just hang out. The other wouldn't leave his mind and he found himself always wondering who the other is to him and who he was to him.

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