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Peter arrived at the lab on time after having a discussion with one of his professors about financial aid. He was stressed but tried to push that down so as not to make Otto worry. When he went in the other had already started.

"You started without me?"

"I couldn't keep myself from trying it. Look." Otto showed off the arm that was now connected to him via a smaller contraption. It was amazing to think how fast the project had developed. He used the arm to move in a circle when the program short-circuited. Peter quickly shut down the electricity as a small fire started.

"Shit!" He quickly extinguished it and ran to Otto's help who had freed himself from the contraption. "Are you okay?"

The other was coughing having inhaled some smoke. "Another setback. But we're close."

Just at that moment, the grant committee hurried in having seen the smoke. "Is anyone hurt?" The director looked at them worried.

"Everything's fine we just underestimated the power levels. From a certain perspective that's a very positive development." Otto tried to reason knowing they were close but the director just took him to a different room to discuss this.

Peter felt bad so he opened some windows airing out the stiff air while taking a look at the arm and fixing some things. He also cleaned up a bit. While doing so he overheard some of the conversation.

"How many lab fires has it been 3 or 4?'

"That just means we're making progress."

Peter stuck around waiting for them to finish. He didn't feel like he should have just left. When the committee was gone Otto came back out he looked tired.

"Peter, you've waited? And cleaned up? Thank you, you didn't have to." Otto weakly leaned against a table letting Peter help him sit down.

"This wasn't that bad! I mean this technology could save lives." Peter tried to console him. "They have to know that too and-"

"I know, just- you did enough Peter, go home. I can't always keep you overtime."

"I don't mind-"

"I know but you need sleep too. Just let's redo this tomorrow."

Peter smiled and left. But when he got to his apartment his heart dropped. "Shit!" He had gotten evicted. Peter sat on the roof for a second, thinking about where to go. He could go back to May but he didn't want to worry her. So he decided to go to Wade and ask him for help. Everything was falling apart, his studies, his job. Even more of his enemies had broken out of jail.

Peter arrived at Wade's place feeling like shit. When the other opened the door he felt himself start to break down. He tried to keep everything down but felt tears run down his cheeks.

Wade was overwhelmed. "Webs?! What's wrong?" He pulled him into a hug.

Peter broke down clinging onto him and crying. "I- I'm sorry- it's- I can't-"

"Hey, hey, baby boy. Calm down, Everything's fine." Wade let his fingers run through his hair and tried to calm him down more.

They stayed like that for a while with Peter completely breaking down. When he finally calmed down a bit he couldn't bear to look at him.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Hey, it's okay. Do you wanna come in and talk about it?"


Wade sat down with him still holding him in his arm. Peter continued sobbing trying to collect himself. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know where to go."

"It's alright. Come on tell Daddy Wade what's wrong?"

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