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Did he- did Wade kiss him? Peter was staring up at the other his mind blank. He eventually leaned up to him kissing him back, closing his eyes.

Wade moved one of his hands away and gently caressed the other's cheek while kissing him just gently and softly. Was he really kissing him? And more importantly, did Peter just kiss him back?? When they parted they looked at each other. Wade was searching for some sort of reaction but the other was just staring at him as if he was in some sort of trance.


Peter jumped up having been shaken out of his thoughts. In doing so he hit his head against the other. "Ow, shit, sorry!" He looked at him his face red.

"No problem." Wade still had one of his hands on his cheek.

They stared at each other again until Peter just leaned his head against the other's shoulder. "Fuck."


"I- sorry I don't really know how to react."

"Did I cross a line? Sorry, I just thought-"

"No, no! It's just there's so much going on right now I can't think."

"Then don't."


"Don't think about it."

"I don't know if I can do that." He looked back up at the other still not being able to put his thoughts back together. "I- Wade, you're confusing me. I have so much going on right now is just not the right time. I really like you I do. Can we talk about this when I got a grip again?"

"Okay." Wade was disappointed but also understood where the other was coming from. "You should still get some rest. You look like a zombie. Take my bed, tonight. I need to get something done anyway."

"Thank you."

Peter watched the other leave. He let his fingers trace over his lips. Embarrassed he climbed under the blanket and pulled it over his head. Shit! Shit, Fuck! Why now?

The next day Peter went to visit May at the homeless shelter she and Martin Lee created. He used to help out too. But these last few weeks were already stressful enough.

"Peter! It's so nice to see you." May hugged him tightly. "You look tired."

"I am tired." He leaned into her hug and just stayed in her arms for a minute. It reminded him of when he would have nightmares as a child coming into her and Ben's room crying. Being with her always calmed him down. "How are things around here?"

"We're doing quite well. Martin is a dear as usual." She smiled. "But come on let me fix you something to eat."

Peter wanted to object but just let her. May made some food and they sat down in the kitchen area together.

"You looked troubled are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't really know how to. It's just I've got a lot going on, Otto's having trouble, Harry's coming back this week and Wade kissed me. It's just-"

"Wade? From thanksgiving? I like him. He's sweet. So what's the problem? Do you not like him back?"

"No- I mean I do! It's just I'm not sure. I have too much going through my mind at the moment I can't think about it."

"Why do you need to think about it?"

"I- it's all the what-ifs. Like what if it doesn't work out I don't wanna ruin our friendship or what if he gets hurt. I'm scared and overwhelmed with everything I don't want to pull him down."

May gently caressed his cheek. "Hey, you're my son. I know you. You're overthinking this. If you like him go for it."

Peter smiled putting his hand on hers. "I love you, you know that, right? You always have the right words."

"I know. I raised you after all." May nudged him. "Come on, now eat up before it gets cold."

Peter went back to the apartment around six having bought some Chinese food on the way. He stood in front of the door gathering himself and went in. "Hey, Wade. I'm back and I bought some Chinese."

Wade stood up from the couch having talked to Weasel about the situation. He had made up his mind that he shouldn't pursue the other. "Hey, Peter can I talk to you?" He thought it would be unfair to him and that this would make things easier.

"I gotta tell you something too."

"Oh, eh you go first then."

"No, no you go first."

"How about on three?"


They counted up to three before blurting out what they wanted to say.

"I really like you and want to go out with you!" Peter closed his eyes while spouting out the words not wanting to see the other's reaction.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Wade said what he had prepared to say for an hour. "I think we should just stay friends."

They looked at each other Wade was more surprised than anything while Peter felt like his lungs were burning.

"What?" Peter looked down at his hands. "Sorry, I guess I misread some things and-" He got interrupted by the other kissing him. When they parted he was even more overwhelmed. "What? You're confusing me, Wade."

"Sorry, I take back what I just said. Didn't expect you to say what you said. I thought I would be a chill friend and give up on this but damn am I glad that you feel the same. I mean would have been really awkward otherwise." Wade started rambling. "So eh yeah I'm all for your plan, buddy- uh I mean-"

Peter just kissed him shutting him up. "You're rambling." He put his arms around the other's neck. "Just kiss me, Wade."

"Okay! Can do that, baby boy." Wade kissed him and pulled him closer feeling ecstatic. He had his hands on the other's waist.

They stayed like that for a while until they eventually had to part. Peter leaned his head against the others. "Sorry for yesterday. You surprised me and I tend to overthink things."

"It's alright. I just couldn't control myself having you stare at me like that." Wade gave him a small kiss. "You drive me crazy."

Peter chuckled. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Wade kissed him again this time longer and more intensely. He let one of his hands slip under the other's shirt.

Peter inhaled sharply before gently pushing him off. "Let's eat."

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