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Peter was finishing up his shift. He had taken a nap before going to work. The events still weighing him down a bit especially hearing people talk about it. The worst was that one guy who thought he knew everything.

"Yeah, I heard some crazy old guy was behind it. What a loser. Imagine sucking so hard in life that you steal some scientist's biological weapon to kill people. Dude can't even use his own hands-"

Peter passive-aggressively sat down a beer in front of the guy.

"You got a problem, waiter?"

"No." Why would he? It's not like talking about people dying and an attack like that is disrespectful. But what did he expect from a guy who made rude remarks at the waitresses and tried to grab their asses? Peter had swapped tables with Nora, a waitress who had come to him at the start of the shift because she was uncomfortable with the guy.

He was just about to leave when the man grabbed his wrist. "You think you're better than me?" The man reeked of alcohol.

"Let go of me." He had no patience. That man was provoking him at the wrong time.

"Or what, bitch? Are you-"

Peter quickly freed his hand and pinned the man's arm behind his back pushing him against the table. "How about you stop talking shit about something you have no idea about and couldn't even comprehend, dipshit? Plus stop groping the waitresses."

"Let go of me!"

"Will you stop?"


Peter twisted his arm a little more.

"Yes, Jesus! Let go of me now!"

With that, he stepped away. "Thank you." He went back to his job.

"Fucking psycho!"

Peter expected Jack to reprimand him but he said the guy had it coming. Just then Wade came in. He went up to Peter giving him a kiss, his hands on his waist. "Hey, baby boy."

"Hey, give me a few more minutes and I'll finish up." Peter smiled at him.

"Sure, I'll be here."

When he left Wade sat down at the bar across from Weasel.

"Ey, Wade, your boyfriend just pinned a guy triple his size onto the table."

"Really? Damn, I wish I saw that. That sounds hot as fuck." Wade thought about the image, grinning.

"Keep it in your pants, Wilson."

Peter came back. "Is it okay if I clock out?"

"Sure, you're shift's over no need for me to keep you."

Wade got up. "Perfect then I'll steal him now. We're going on a romantic first date." He kissed Peter on the cheek holding him close all lovey-dovey.

"Stop." Peter chuckled gently pushing him away. He took off his apron handing it in.

Wade just took his hand and walked out. Outside he got into his car with Peter. "Are you excited baby boy?"

"More scared what you planned."

"Ey, I can be romantic. You're gonna love it."

"I know." Peter smiled at him and leaned against the window while the other drove. He looked at the night sky, the neon lights of the city illuminating the streets. At least they did until Wade turned the car onto a small road leading away from the city. Peter was wondering where he was driving especially because the road got more and more overgrown. After a while, they came out to an old observatory.

Peter got out looking at the place mesmerized, they were high up on a Mountain. You could see the distant lights of the city. "This is amazing."

"Wait until you see the inside." Wade took his hand and went inside with him.

Peter looked around even more stunned than before. He let his hand run over the walls that had constellations painted on them and glow-in-the-dark stars on them, illuminating them. They almost looked like the night sky. Living in New York the night sky was always a bit underwhelming due to the light pollution. He remembered when he, Harry, MJ and Gwen went on a camping trip far away. You could even see the colors in the sky it was beautiful.

Peter was so caught up he didn't even see the still fully intact telescope until Wade turned him towards it. He walked up to it speechless, ready to geek out. "How- why did they leave it here like this?"

"I don't know. Guess all the clean-up work after Armageddon every Tuesday made them forget about it."

Peter snorted. "It really is like that." He looked at it letting his fingers run over it admiring the handy work and the mechanical genius that went into it. "This I amazing, I-"

"I thought you might like it."

"Wade I love this." He turned around to the other pulling him into a long loving kiss. "Thank you."

"Come on, baby boy. Let's see if this sucker still works."

Peter looked at the telescope, stuff like this normally needed maintenance but trying doesn't hurt right? He figured out how it worked and opened the globe before taking a peek through it. It still functioned. He was mesmerized.

Excitedly he stepped away and pulled Wade in front of it. "You gotta see this!"

Peter made him look through it. "Isn't that amazing! I didn't think it would still work."


"It's amazing this still works! I mean the lenses are so sensitive and the light has to hit just right-" He rambled on about it.

Wade looked at him talking. His eyes literally lit up. He couldn't help but smile before chuckling at how much he was falling for him.

"And uh-" Peter chuckled. "Damn it, Wade, I told you to stop me if I-"

"No, no I love it! A lot, your eyes light up and your whole demeanor changes it's adorable."

"I-" Peter felt his cheeks flush red before gently hitting the other. "Shut up."

"I mean it." Wade pulled him close. "I love hearing your science thoughts even if I don't understand them. I love your smile when you get excited about things and the look in your eyes."

"You corny asshole." Peter smiled touched and pulled him into a kiss when his phone rang.

"You gotta take this?"

He looked. "Nah, it's just Harry I'll call him back tomorrow." He put his phone on silent and put it away. "I'm all yours tonight, no Spidey stuff or anything."

"Damn, that's-" Wade pulled him back into the kiss, his hands on his waist, pulling him closer.

They stayed like this for a while, Peter eventually parting and putting his head on Wade's shoulder. "Thank you, for this, for everything quite frankly. I mean it."

"Ey, don't sweat it, it's a wonder you still stick around me."

"Why wouldn't I?" Peter nuzzled into his neck. "You're a delight to be around."

"Aww, you love me. I mean who could resist such an amazing person like me!"

"Don't push it." Peter chuckled. "But you are. Jesus the shit you've put up with the last month and you never looked at me like I was too much-"

"Come on you've put up with my shit for way longer. How many second chances have you given me? Sixty?"

Peter smiled and kissed him again. "I'd say it was pretty worth it."

"Yeah, definitely worth it." Wade pulled him closer.

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