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Peter woke up on the day of the wedding exhausted, to say the least. He hadn't slept well because of some Spidey-related problems. When he came out of the bedroom he got a kiss from his boyfriend.

"Good morning baby boy." Wade kissed him again this time on the forehead.

"Morning, I'll go on the balcony for a few minutes to wake me up."

"Oh, it is a bit muggy out today though."


"Yes, honey?"

"If I go outside and all the mugs are on the balcony I am leaving you."

Wade just smiled and waited for him to see that he had in fact filled the balcony with mugs. Peter turned around to him after seeing it trying his best to look annoyed. But the mercenary knew he found it amusing. He went up to him giving him a kiss.

"Why am I not surprised?" Peter chuckled, loving his little quirks and bad jokes.

"I love your laugh."

"Well, and I love that I can always count on you to make me laugh." He kissed him again. "You're still an idiot."

"But I am your idiot right?"

"Yes." He leaned against him putting his head on his shoulder. "You'll always be."

They had some breakfast and eventually went to the wedding. The whole way there Wade kept staring at him and making comments about how good he looked in that suit.

When they arrived Peter took his place as Harry's best man while Wade sat down next to MJ. Peter couldn't help but stare at his boyfriend every now and then. After the ceremony, they had something to eat and spend time at the after-party.

Wade was glad he had the other with him. It made him feel at ease. That was until they had to split up because Harry pulled him to the side.

Peter felt bad having left his boyfriend since he knew how uncomfortable he could get in big crowds. But what kind of friend would he be if he said no to his best friend on his wedding day? "So, what is this secrecy about?"

"Okay, so about that job offer-"

"Harry, I told you."

'I know, I know. But nothing will go wrong, I promise. This is an amazing opportunity for you. I don't want to see you throw it away."

"I don't know, Har."

"Just think about it, okay? I promise with the work we are doing there is no way of it being turned into a superweapon-"

They got interrupted because of a commotion. Peter had a sinking feeling that he knew what it was but hoped he was wrong. He turned towards the noise to see Wade beat up another one of the guests. He immediately put his drink down. "Wade!" When he got over to him he pulled him off of him, shocked to see how bloody that situation got. He shot Harry an apologetic glance while pulling the other away who was still intent on beating the guy up. Peter pulled him out of the room where the other settled down a bit. "What the fuck, Wade?! Go clean yourself up. I'll wait outside."

Outside MJ joined him having worried."Why do you put up with Wade?" MJ put on a cigarette. "I mean he's cool but beating someone up at your best friend's wedding is something else."

"Well, because I love him."

"But why?"

"I know Wade can be a bit strange and aggravating but he doesn't mean it. Well sometimes he does but that's just who he is. But he is also incredibly kind and sweet and loyal. I never had anyone make me feel like he makes me feel. He makes me laugh and we have fun together. Wade is a little broken and he needs me. But I guess I need him even more."

"You love me?" Wade had overheard the conversation having just come outside.

"No, I am still mad at you! We're not having this conversation now." Peter frowned, still angry at him. He grabbed his hand still being gentle with him. "We're going home!"

He went to the car, not looking at him the whole way there. "What even happened?"

"I don't know I just my head and-" Wade stopped making Peter turn around looking at him furiously. He hated it, hated how he looked at him. "I-"

Peter took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, yelling wasn't the answer. "Look, I get it- I just- you-"

"I'm sorry."

"I know. I know you're sorry, you always are." Peter let go of the other's hand. "I don't want to be mad at you and risk snapping at you. So just give me some time to cool down okay."


"I'll walk home."

"We can drive."

'No." Peter took a deep breath. "I'll see you later, Wade. Don't get into any more trouble." He started walking away leaving the other at his car.

The mercenary felt his heart sink. He hated this. Why did he do this? Why did he have to ruin the wedding? He got into the car feeling like he might break down, scared he had destroyed what they had.

Peter on the other was walking down the street. He knew the other probably didn't mean to but he was still allowed to be angry. To be fair he didn't want to fight with him or be mad at him but he couldn't help it. After a while, he decided to go home having calmed down a bit. When he got there the lights were already out. Wanting to let some fresh air in he went to open the balcony door bit just to see the mugs still on there, a small smile forming on his face, deciding right there that he didn't want to go to bed angry at him. So he quickly moved the mugs inside before joining Wade in the bed hugging him from behind and cuddling close.


"I'm sorry for getting mad." He just kept hugging him his head against his neck. His arms around him holding him tight.

"Don't be." Wade put his hand on his boyfriend's. "You're allowed to be angry. I messed up everything. I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"It's not I am a fuck up. You deserve someone better. I-"

"You're not a fuck up." Peter kissed the back of his neck. "I love you, Wade." He felt the other become tense. But no matter how scared he was that he moved too fast he just kept holding him. "I love you."

Wade felt like he had stopped breathing. He felt like his lungs were seizing up but not in a bad way. He turned around looking at his boyfriend who just gently smiled at him. "I-" Sure he had overheard him talk with MJ but him openly saying it to him was different. "I love you, too."

Peter kissed him. His hand caressing his cheek.

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