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The next day Wade went out to find the rest again when Peter got a call from MJ. "Peter, are you okay?! I just got the news and everything is going to shit."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in the hospital. Are you okay? Is May okay?"

"You're in the hospital?! How is that being okay?" She sounded mad. "Let me come over!"

"No! I'm in here as Spider-Man if the wrong person sees you here you might get in danger."

"You are unbelievable. How can-"

"Is May okay?"

"Peter, she was exposed to the bio-attack. We don't really know what it does yet but she isn't feeling all too well."

"I'll be right there." Peter hung up without letting the other answer and got out of bed nearly falling over. "Shit." He tried to steady himself ripping out the needles and everything he had been contacted with. Ignoring the alarm that went off he went out of the room steadying himself using the wall.

"Sir, you shouldn't be up!" A nurse went up to him trying to grab him.

"I need to be out there! My family needs me." Peter just kept limping forward. The nurse tried to stop him but wasn't sure what to do, he was a superhero after all.

Almost falling Peter made it outside seeing a mass of people getting carted inside. This just made him even more determined to check up on May and stop this. He gathered himself hyping himself up to get his adrenaline pumping and started swinging.

Meanwhile, Wade had successfully captured Rhino and Kraven, crossing them off his list when he got a call from an unknown number. "Hello, Merc with a Mouth, Wade Wilson speaking." There was a pause. "He did what?! That dumb idiot!" Wade hung up before turning to the two. "Well, daddy's gotta take care of some things. Police should be here any minute but it's not like you guys can move anyway. So ai gotta go." As he left he saw the police arrive with special forces to make sure they wouldn't get away.

Peter arrived at the Feast center, the homeless shelter, and quickly changed. "May! May!" He hurried around until he finally found her organizing some rations.

She hugged him tightly "Oh Peter! I was so scared something might have happened to you." When she pulled away she saw the state he was in. "Oh god, what happened to you?!"

"I'm fine. I came here to make sure you are okay. MJ said you got infected?"

"It's nothing-"

"May, please rest. I don't want you getting worse."

"I think that's my line and don't worry I'll live forever. I'm your aunt after all I got to take care of you, you're reckless."

Just as Peter wanted to say something Wade came rushing in. "Peter!"


"What are you doing?! You should be resting not making your way through half the city!"

"Wade, I'm fine-"

"No, you're not."

"I am!"

"If you are, stand up straight, stop holding your side and put your weight on your left leg."

Peter tried his best to do as he was told to prove to Wade that he was okay but when he put weight on his leg he fell over into the other's arms.

Wade caught him not wanting him to fall down. May went up to them worried. "Peter you should lay down, Wade is right."

"Okay." Peter looked defeated and called Miles, who started volunteering at the Feast center a while ago to look after May and call him as soon as something goes wrong. He then let Wade drive him home.

Wade helped him out and carried him upstairs into bed. "I can't believe that you were at the hospital for one day, one day, and just tried to dip!"

"Sorry, I was worried."

"Just let me handle it, Peter. I got this I already got 3 down. That's half of it."

"More than half."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm taking care of Octavius myself. I have to. I created him."


"No, he was my friend and I failed him. I am not debating this. I'm taking care of him. He's probably just scared. I might be able to talk to him."

"Okay, just rest for today please. I'll get you something to drink."

"I promise."

Peter kept his promise. He stayed in bed for the rest of the day keeping up with the news and calling Yuri for updates. She hadn't heard anything from Octavius but knew that Oscorp was working on a cure for the bioweapon that was stolen from them.

Wade came back in the evening having gotten the Vulture in custody. He went back to check in with Peter immediately after. When he got back he saw Peter lying in bed with his laptop. "Hey baby boy, I'm home."

"Hey." Peter sat up to greet him but flinched leaning back down.

Wade sat down on the edge next to him and gave him a kiss on the head. "How's the most beautiful person in the world?"

"Well, damn I don't know how are you?"

"Oh, my-" Wade gripped his heart and pretended to fall over. "You made me fall even harder for you!"

Peter found himself laughing before holding his stomach as it hurt. Wade immediately sat up and gently caressed his cheek. "Are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright. Thanks for making me laugh." Peter gave him a small kiss. "Can you hold me?" He was overwhelmed and felt like shit. Knowing that Otto went off the wall made everything worse. On top of that May was sick.

"Sure." Wade climbed into the bed next to him and put his arms around him. "Are you okay?"

Peter leaned into his touch feeling his emotions bubble over at the question. "I don't know what to do." His eyes became watery as he hid his face in Wade's shoulder.

"It's okay-"

"Nothing is okay!" His voice started shaking.

Wade let his hands run through his hair in a soothing motion. "I know, baby boy. But I'll stay by your side until it is okay."

Peter started to cry, knowing that he could be vulnerable with him, knowing that he would be there.

"We'll figure it out."

"Okay." He sobbed.

Wade just held him tight, or as tightly as he could without hurting him.

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