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Peter woke Wade up with a kiss. "Merry Christmas."

"Hm, that's a nice sight to wake up to." Wade pulled him in closer kissing him more intently this time. "What's that smell?"

"I made breakfast." Peter smiled. "Don't worry MJ taught me some easy stuff so it should be edible." He took the other's hand pulling him up.

"Well, let's see that food you made, baby boy." Wade chuckled a bit scared for his kitchen. He followed him and felt relieved seeing everything still intact.

Peter was excited for him to try it. Maybe he was even a bit nervous. When he saw the other enjoy it he felt relieved. They enjoyed their breakfast afterward he went to get his gift. "It's not much but I tried my best."

"You didn't have to get me anything-"

"Yes, I did. You keep spoiling me, I wanted to get you something. I made it myself so I'm not sure if it's any good but-" Peter got interrupted by Wade pulling him into a hug gift in hand.

The other was holding a gun that had some intricate engravings. His hands ran over the constellations the other had engraved in it as his heart fluttered. "Peter this is-" He felt himself getting emotional. It was such a thoughtful gift. "You made this yourself?!"

"Yeah, I modeled it after the guns I saw you use the most. Oh-" Peter gave him a smile. "I also made stun bullets, you know for that whole being good thing!" He pointed at the box.

Wade looked at the rest finding the bullets that had little Deadpools on them and smiled. "Peter, baby boy this is so nice thank you!" He pulled him into a long kiss making the other chase after his lips when they parted. "I got something for you too."

Peter looked at the flight tickets in his hand. "What-"

"We're going on a vacation baby boy and I got some for that aunt of yours too."

"Wade-" Peter smiled softly. "Thank you so much, this is- it's- I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything at all."

Peter pulled him into a long loving kiss.

The next few days went by in a breeze, a lot kept happening and Peter had to go in for question. They just asked him if he knew about what was going on but he just denied it saying he was shocked when he found out. When they finally let him leave Wade was waiting outside for him in his car not too keen on being seen by the feds, due to his history.

"How'd it go?"

"Exhausting. They kept asking the same questions over and over again. I'm just ready to go home and do nothing."

"We can arrange that." He started the car. "You know I could have scared them away. I'm really good at that."

"You're a sweetheart you couldn't scare them."

"Oh honey, I am a sweetheart to you but I've been used to scare of stalkers."

"They probably just would've arrested you. You're on multiple people's list, believe me." Peter chuckled and nudged him. "You're on my to-do list."

"Oh, sweet tums, that was so bad, I love it-" Wade looked at him for a bit. "Man, how you are such a dork."

"Am not."

"Baby boy, you kept excitedly talking about your Web shooters for an hour. You are a dork, a cute one at that."

At home, his boyfriend slumped on the couch. "You know, I know an awesome way to destress."

"Yeah?" Peter smiled at him getting closer.

"Yeah, it involves a lot of exercise."


"And blood!"

"What?! Oh-" Peter took a moment. "Oh! Jesus, I thought you were talking about sex-"

"Oh-" Wade chuckled as he was more thinking of beating people up but he could never say no to that hot piece of ass. "Well, that works too. Maybe even better."

"You got me worried there for a second-" Peter got interrupted when the other kissed him. He melted into the touch and snaked his arms around his neck pulling him closer. When they parted he looked up at him.

"You're so fucking pretty, baby boy." Wade pushed away some hair behind his ear, gently letting his fingers run through it.

Peter leaned into the touch just taking it in. He closed his eyes and kissed him again snuggling closer. His mind was screaming at the contact because every single gentle gesture or touch made him fall deeper in love with him. The thought that someone like Wade who was more violent held him so gently so caringly made his head spin.

Wade pulled him in his lap kissing him and letting his hands get tangled in his hair.

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