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Peter was at work. They had rebuilt everything and Otto was just about to try it. "Ready?"


The doctor made the arm move and pick up a cup but it dropped it, making it shatter on the floor. "Damn it! This is all your fault, Norman, you son of a-" He threw the controller away being frustrated before leaning on the desk frustrated.

"Well, I know who you're not voting for in the next election." Peter joked feeling uncomfortable.

Otto looked at him.

"Sorry." Peter pulled back a bit. "I, uh have a habit of making bad jokes in tense situations. "

Luckily Otto just chuckled. "It was a good joke, Parker. Just a bit of an overreaction on my part."

"Don't worry. Why don't you take a break? I'll clean this up and get us ready for another test." Peter bent down picking up the broken glass. "So, hope you don't mind me asking but seems like you have a history with Norman."

Otto sighed and told him that they founded Oscorp together but Norman did some things he considered unethical so he left. "If this project doesn't work-" He held his forehead being tired of all the errors.

"Don't worry. It'll work!"

They stayed in the lab for a while giving the arm another go and it worked. Otto smiled feeling relieved. "Next step neural interface."

"That's a lot if work for you to do by yourself. Sure you can handle it?"

"My funds are still-"

"I know. It's okay, don't worry. I'll figure it out!" Peter smiled reassuringly. "What's a few bucks when you're trying to change the world, right?"

Otto just wanted to answer when Peter's phone rang with an alert. "Shit! Sorry Otto I'll be back tomorrow. MJ's show is in half an hour."

He hurried up and swung back to Wade's apartment to pick him up. "You're late Webs. We gotta hurry."

"I know, I know." Peter quickly got changed. "Luckily we don't need to take the subway." They swung over there getting down in an alleyway. Peter quickly bought some flowers before going inside with Wade.

They sat down just in time. MJ had reserved some seats. When the curtains were drawn Peter was mesmerized, seeing his friend turn into someone else completely. He grabbed Wade's hand instinctively intertwining their fingers.

Wade grabbed it back feeling his heart flutter. He looked at the other smiling. The play went on but he couldn't really focus on it. This felt like a date sitting there holding hands.

Peter leaned against him a bit watching MJ absolutely kill it. He was glad he made it and was able to watch her perform. She looked absolutely radiant.

When MJ saw them he shot them a quick smile before continuing.

As the play came to a close and the actors bowed the audience erupted in applause. The two went out afterward waiting outside for MJ. Peter was still holding Wade's hand.

They stood among people talking about the play. Peter was talking about it too, still holding the flowers for MJ.

When she came out Peter let go of the other's hand only then realizing that he was holding it. He hugged her tightly. "That was awesome!" He gave her the flowers.

Wade couldn't help but grow a bit jealous seeing them be so close.

"Thanks, Pete. How about we three get some drinks? They're on me."

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