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Peter woke up to the other side of the bed empty. He got up and put some pants in before heading out to the kitchen where he saw Wade cooking. For a minute he just watched him before going up to him and hugging him from behind, giving him a small kiss on the back of his neck.

"Good Morning to you too, baby boy." Wade smiled continuing to cook.

"Hm," Peter murmured into the back of his neck.

"You hungry? I'm making pancakes."

Peter let his hands wander down Wade's chest to his stomach and then to the hem of his boxers.

"Pete, what are you-" Wade felt the other's hands slip into his boxers. "Doing? Shit, you're going to ruin our breakfast."

"I'm not hungry."

Wade contemplated for a second. "Ah, fuck it." He put the pan off the heat so as to not start a fire before turning around and grabbing the other's face and kissing him.

For the next few days, they've grown almost inseparable much to everyone else's dismay. When they were out drinking with Harry and MJ they couldn't stop touching each other and staring at each other. Peter was good at keeping Wade on his feet, not getting tired easily and Wade loved it.

Peter was laying on top of him in their bed kissing his neck.

"Up for the second round already?"


"Well, aren't you a horny Spider Tiger?"

"Mh, shut up Wade-" Peter got interrupted by his phone ringing. He got up to see it was Yuri. He had told her he needed a small break so when she was calling it had to be something important. "It's Yuri."

"Just let it go to voice mail."

"I can't, I've been sitting out for too long now. She wouldn't call me if it weren't important." Peter got up picking up the phone while scrambling to find his suit. Wade groaned and got up too.

"Wait I'm coming with you."

"You don't need-"

"I know but I want to." Wade gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Plus who else is gonna stop you from killing yourself."

Peter pulled him into one last kiss. "Well, then you better hurry up."

The situation was a bank heist and they quickly stopped it, no killing involved. Still high on adrenaline Peter sat the other down on a roof pulling up his mask and kissing him passionately.

"Well, what's this for?"

"For not killing anyone," Peter smirked at him. "But you no you don't need to earn my affection right?"

Wade just kissed him back harder, letting his tongue slip into his mouth before the other stopped him making him groan and disappointed.

"Hild that thought. Bedroom?"

The next day Peter met up with MJ after college. She just hugged him. "Hey, so you wanted to go shopping?"

"Yeah, I need a Christmas gift for Wade. He's always so sweet and I want to get him something nice but I don't know what."

"Well, how about we go and just look at some stuff."

"Yeah." Peter went through some stores with her not finding something nice so he decided to make something himself. MJ was letting him put it together at her place and he luckily got it ready in time for Christmas.

The day before Christmas eve Wade and Peter were cuddling on the sofa when the latter got a call. "Sorry, I'll put it on silent-"

"No pick up it's fine."

"Okay." Peter picked up and his face immediately dropped. "Yeah." There was a pause. "Sure, I can come in. When? Can't it wait?" He started fidgeting with his sleeve. "Okay, I'll be there."

"What is it?"

"Otto. They said they need to question me because I worked for him." All his emotions about the event came back up. He had repressed them so well. "I kinda forgot about all that- I-"

Wade pulled him into a hug. "Hey, you're gonna do fine."

Peter leaned into the hug feeling himself calm down. "I know. I just forgot about the whole thing. Everything was so great I just-" He closed his eyes. "They want me to come in after Christmas."

"During the holidays? Couldn't it wait?"

"I asked them that too. But due to the severity of it all, they need me to come in then."

"Alright, want me to drive you?"

"You don't have-"

"Just- stop with this shit, baby boy. I know I don't have to."

"That'd be nice." Peter smiled at him before kissing him.

"To think I didn't have to put up a mistletoe."


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