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Peter woke up the next morning with a blaring headache. When he saw he had snuggled up next to the other he sat up quickly immediately regretting it. "Shit, oh I definitely drank too much yesterday."

Wade slowly woke up too. "Oh hey, you want an aspirin?"

"You seem really cheery."

"Yeah, plus of a healing factor hangovers are not that bad. Also, I'm an alcoholic, I'm used to it." He laughed making Peter hold his head which made him laugh even more.

"Wait what time is it?"

"10:30 why?"

"Oh shit, I totally forgot about work! Shit. I gotta go. See you around!" Peter jumped up and put on his mask before jumping out of the window and swinging away.

"There he goes. Well, time for crime."

For the next few days, the two would hang out more and more Peter found it relaxing not having to hide. One time he was carrying legless Wade back to his apartment. "I'm just saying you could be a bit more careful."

"I know but then I wouldn't have you caring for me, sweetums."

"I can and will drop you."

"Oh but you won't, baby boy. I know-" He got interrupted when he hit the floor. "Ouch, damn it!"

"Are you gonna shut up?"


Peter picked him back up and swung the rest to his apartment placing Wade on the bathroom floor. "Okay, hold still." He helped him sit comfortably. "Do you need anything? Something to help you heal better?"


Peter sighed. "Okay." He sat down next to him. "So how does regrowing limbs feel?"

"Like puberty. Weird and uncomfortable. But I'm used to it. Wanna play smash?"

"But you'll bleed on your couch."

"It's fine I know how to get stains out."

"Okay, then get ready to lose." Peter picked him up carrying him to the couch. He wiped him out and grinned at him. "Told you."

"That's hot."

Another day Peter had gotten shot and was kneeling in front of the other grasping his shirt and holding onto him tightly. "Ow, god that hurts-" His breathing was labored and irregular as Wade pulled out the bullets.

"Just two more."

Peter was leaning against him groaning in pain and Wade cursed himself for finding it hot but who could blame him he could feel the other's breath on his neck. "There we go all of them are out! You should be more careful."

"Thanks, Wade." He smiled at him, blood still all over his face and out of breath.

"Fuck that's hot."


"I know sorry."

Some days later Peter was really glad at how everything worked out. Sure Wade wasn't perfect but he was fun to hang out with. He was lying on his bed learning when he got a call. "Peter Parker speaking, hello?"

His mood dropped as soon as the person on the other line was speaking. It was the hospital, his aunt had just suffered a heart attack.

Peter rushed to the hospital and was told to wait in the waiting room. He called Wade not knowing who else to call as MJ was abroad.

"Hey, uhm could you come down to the hospital on Fifth Street." He paused waiting for his answer. "It's a Peter problem." They had some sort of code so Wade would know if he needed his weapons.

It felt like forever until the other arrived. Peter was just staring at his hands feeling like shit.

"Hey, Pete. Are you alright?" Wade sat down next to him.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't know who to call. My aunt had a heart attack. I didn't want to be alone."

"I can stay here with you."

"Thank you."

"Do you want a hug?" Wade didn't quite know how to handle the situation so he just spread his arms apart. He felt the other stare at him for a while. "You don't have to-" and with that Peter buried his head in his chest.

Wade embraced him holding him close. Peter felt better, the hug made him feel warm and less alone. Feeling the other's big arms around him made him feel safe. "Thank you, Wade."

They eventually parted and sat together for a while until a nurse called Peter over. "Is she gonna be alright?"

"Yes, are you her next of kin?"

"We're our only kin."

"Okay, here are some things for you to fill out. You can go see her now."

"Thank you." Peter took the papers and hurried into his aunt's room. "May! Are you alright?"

"Yes, it was just a minor heart attack I should be out in a few days." She smiled embracing her nephew.

"Still, it was a heart attack you shouldn't take that so lightly."

"You know you didn't have to wait all this time for me, I bet you must have been bored."

"If course I waited. Don't worry I wasn't alone though. Wade waited with me."


"Oh, he's a friend from work. We've been hanging out a bit more lately." Peter smiled.

"That sounds lovely. You should invite him to Thanksgiving dinner, then." May yawned. "Oh sorry, Peter I'm still tired."

"It's okay, I'll come back tomorrow. Take care, love you." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

When he went back to the lobby he found Wade still sitting there waiting for him. "Is she alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for waiting. I'll just fill these out." He started filling out the papers and reached the last one which was the bill. "Shit-"

"What's wrong?"

"It's just so much money. I don't even have half of it. I guess I'll have to ask Otto for help."

Wade looked at it. "I could pay it."

"No, no way. I couldn't accept it."

"Think of it as a loan if you can't accept it otherwise. You can pay me back whenever no interest."


"No buts, let me help you out."

"Thank you!" Peter hugged him. "Thank you so much."

They gave back the paperwork and Peter drove with Wade to his apartment still being a bit shaken up from everything. The two sat down together on the couch and watched "Mama Mia".

They sang some of the songs together annoying Wade's neighbors who hit a broom against the floor to shut them up. Peter broke out in laughter along with Wade. Wade loved seeing him happy and if he was honest he had a crush on him. To be fair he always wanted to bone Spider-Man but now he had a full-blown 'I wanna protect this person and hold their hand' kind of crush on Peter.

Peter loved spending time with him and hanging out with him made him fuzzy. "Oh by the way my aunt asked me to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner if you don't have anything planned yet."

"Isn't that a family thing?"

"Yeah but we always invited friends it's a found family thing. Otto my boss is coming too." He noticed the other looking at him and couldn't quite tell what he was thinking. "Oh sorry, you don't have to come if it's weird. I just thought I'd ask."

"No, no it's not awkward I'll come. I was just a bit surprised."

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