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The next few days they started to get used to the whole dating thing. They started sleeping in the same bed as well which helped Wade's night terrors since Peter was always right there to comfort him.

This night Peter got up in the middle of the night because Yuri called him. He quickly gave Wade a kiss on the forehead before heading out. The moment he did he saw the city going to shit. "You've got to be kidding me."

About twenty minutes later Wade woke up and was confused to find the other not in his arms. "Peter?" He got up and saw his suit missing. "That idiot should have woken me up." He went to the window to look outside to see the city in flames. "Oh god, Peter!" He started to run towards the destruction.

Peter was meanwhile on a roof having followed Electro there. "Long time no see."

"Yeah. You like the new suit?"

"Dashing, where did you get it?"

"It's an exclusive club." Just as Elevlctro said that the Vulture and rhino joined the party.

"Well, this is overwhelming." Peter dogged their attacks just to see Scorpion and Kraven join as well. They surrounded him.

Electro got ready to shock him. "Remember, he said not to kill him."

"Good idea, in fact, we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to-"

"We definitely want to!" Rhino charged at him.

"Well, this isn't how I imagined my night going." Peter dogged their attacks pretty well at first holding his own against the five. He hit Kraven away before the Vulture picked him up.

Peter kicked himself landing on his feet when Scorpio stabbed him in the back, making him fall over. It hurt and he groaned in pain.

The others used this opportunity to kick and punch him. When Rhino used all his strength to hit him Peter felt his ribs Crack. He tried to get up but couldn't. Electro shocked him while he was down making him scream in pain and whither on the ground. He tried to crawl away while they kept beating him up.

Peter had a metallic taste in his mouth as he was bleeding profusely. Just as he made it to the ledge with his arms shaking from all the exhaustion a metal claw pinned him down crushing his wrist.

Dizzy and lightheaded from the pain he looked up to see Otto emerge. "Doctor Octavius?" His voice was coarse and weak almost not there.

"First and final warning." Otto grabbed his foot making him panic. He pulled him up making him look at him. "Stay out of our way." Without a further warning, he just flung him off the building into the water.

When Peter hit the water everything went black for a second before using his last strength the crawl out.

Meanwhile, Wade had followed the disaster and was on his way to him. He saw Scorpio move towards the other's unconscious body. The man had decided to go against Doc Ock's orders and finish him off finally wanting to be rid of him.

Wade jumped between them in front of his love trying to protect him. "Get the fuck away from him before I break every single bone in your body!"

Peter was slipping in and out of consciousness. He felt like he was in deep water and Wade was on the shore. "Wade?" His voice was hoarse and everything hurt.

After scaring away Scorpion, he kneeled down next to him. "Hey, I got you everything is going to be okay."

Peter reached out for him, his hand shaking while making contact with Wade's cheek. "I can't really see you." His vision was blurry from all the head trauma he had suffered. His hand left Wade's cheek bloody.

"It's alright we can fix this." Wade quickly scrambled to apply pressure to one of his wounds. "You just gotta stay with me okay, baby boy?" He felt the anxiety rush through him.

"Everything hurts, Wade." He felt like he was about to die. This is it. "Wade, if I don't-" He got interrupted by a cough, coughing up blood. "If I don't make it, please take care of May."

"Don't say that. You're not gonna die, asshole! Don't go where I can't follow you." Wade picked him up and started sprinting to the next hospital.

Peter just kept staring at him growing more and more numb. This was fine. He could die in his arms. He was glad to have met him and to have been able to get to know him better. "Thank you, Wade." He weakly smiled at him. "For everything."

"Shut the fuck up, Peter! Stop talking like you're gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die!" He held him close and reached the hospital. "Look we're here. You'll be fine. Everything will be fine."

He kicked the door open. "I need a doctor know!" Just know did he feel his lungs burn from sprinting all the way here.

The nurses immediately scrambled to get a doctor and wanted to take Peter from his arms but Wade just told them he'll bring him to the operating room himself.

They directed him there and he gently put him down holding his hand. "You'll be fine, okay?"

Peter couldn't really see the bright light blinding him but he felt himself slip out of consciousness again.

During the whole process, Wade waited in the room and made sure the didn't take off the mask if it wasn't necessary. He felt his heartbeat almost too fast as he watched them try their best to keep him alive.

In the middle of the procedure he flatlined which made Wade jump out of the chair and start to panic. Please don't. Anything but this, don't take him. Do not take him. Anything else is bearable but don't do this.

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