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On new years eve, Wade convinced Peter to do a bar crawl with him. At the first bar, they went slow. He managed to befriend some other people and they all moved on to the next one, where they met up with MJ and Harry.

"Hey, Tiger. Who are your new friends?" She hugged him.

"I don't really know. Wade befriended them." He smiled and hugged her back before looking at Harry. "So, you're not home with the fiancee?"

"Nope, she's spending time with her girlfriends, so I get to spend time with my best friends." Harry put his arm around the two. "I missed you "

"We missed you too."

Wade excitedly grabbed Peter's hand. "Let's get drinks, baby boy!" He pulled him along with him and the other just gave his friends an apologetic smile.

"I'm glad he's happy. They are cute together even if they can be a bit much sometimes." MJ just chuckled. "Never really pegged Wade as his type though."

"Yeah, you think you have the guy figured out and then he does something unexpected. Maybe that's why they click." Harry shrugged. "Anyways, let me get us some drinks."

Meanwhile, Wade had bought drinks for him and his boyfriend. He had his hand on the other's leg. "I couldn't think of any better way to spend new years."

"You sap." Peter playfully rolled his eyes. "But I'm glad I get to spend new years eve with you too." He gave him a quick kiss and grabbed his hand.

MJ hugged them from behind. "Come on one of you corny bastards dance with me!"

"You know I don't really dance-"

Wade on the other hand immediately took her up on it. "Guess I'll steal your bestie then." He went to the dance floor with her.

MJ was glad to dance with one of them because it kept the creeps away. Especially when the person you're dancing with is as buff as Wade.

Harry sat down next to his best friend. "So, how have you been?"

"Actually apart from the whole Octavius stuff better good. It's nice to be together with Wade." Peter smiled to himself.

"Definitely looks like it." His friend chuckled. "I don't think I've seen you this happy since-" He cut himself off.

"It's fine. I've moved on." Peter took a sip of his drink. "But now you tell me about you and Liz."


They talked for a while until Wade and Mj pulled them to the next bar. After a good few drinks they arrived at an exclusive club they got into through Wade's new acquaintances. Peter pulled him outside and kissed him. He wanted to have him to himself for a bit.

"You ready for the new year, baby boy?" Wade put his hands on his waist, pulling him closer.

"With you always."

"Sap." He just pulled him into another kiss lingering just a bit longer and putting his forehead against his after parting.

Peter looked at him and gently caressed his cheek. He could stare at him for hours especially when the other held him close like this. It made him feel safe. When he wanted to get another sip of his drink he noticed that it was empty. "I'll get another drink wait here I'll be just a minute."

Wade did as he was told and waited until he got bored and decided to go look for him. When he went inside he saw Peter talking to someone he knew from the hellhouse. He started walking toward him when he noticed his boyfriend look uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I really got to go-"

"Come on, waiter. It's new years let's have some fun." The man put his hand on the other's waist.

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