Part 14 - Knock Knock

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It's been 3 days since we last spoke. I've been really heartbroken and crying my heart out many times a day. We were so great for 2 minutes. I had everything I ever wanted for 2 minutes. Then he had to say about the other woman. He made me feel so played. If he really wanted us to be together he'd say it sooner and not wait for the opportunity to sleep with someone else first.

Tony is calling me a few times per day but I'm not answering. He keeps sending some apology texts which make me cry every time I read them. It pains me to not talk to him, I really miss him. But I need some time.

I'm lying down in my room after a long day, staring at the ceiling instead of studying. The book is in my hands but it doesn't make me study. My concentration is elsewhere. Both me and Sophie are taken by surprise when we hear knocks on the door. We're not expecting anyone.

"Can you get it? It's probably Kelly or something" Sophie says and I nod.

I mean, she's the one who's actually studying so it makes sense for me to get up. I walk there slowly and open the door, expecting to see a familiar face. And I do. But it's not one of those I expected.

"Hell no" I say shutting the door immediately.

I rest my back against the door and start breathing faster. Sophie turns to look at me in confusion.

"Zoe, what are you doing? That's not polite" she says shocked.

"I don't care" I reply.

We hear knocks again. I'm ready to cry. I really am. Sophie notices and stands up to come close to me.

"Zoe, please, open up" we hear his voice.

"Is this Tony?" she whisper shouts and I nod.

"Tony, leave" I say from my side of the door.

"I'm not doing that" he says back.

I sigh and let my body fall down, rolling down against the door. Sophie sits with me and hugs me. Tony knocks again. And again. He's patient.

"I'll stay here forever if I have to. I've been without food and sleep for days in the past" he jokes.

"What about the toilet?" Sophie asks me quietly.

I laugh even though I'm hurting. She finds the ways to entertain me.

"What about the toilet?" I ask louder this time, wanting to know the answer from Tony.

We hear him laugh and we laugh along, waiting for the reply.

"I can use the suit for that. It's not my go-to move but I can do it when it's necessary" he explains.

"Yikes" Sophie comments.

"Why don't you let me in to talk? We're talking now already" his voice sounds soft.

"I haven't calmed down yet, Tony. It's not a good idea" I reply.

"I'm not asking you for anything, I just want to see you"

I breathe out heavily and look at Sophie. She shakes her head, implying she's not going to tell me what to do. I decide to stand on my feet and Sophie follows my lead, standing up with me. She moves away from the door and goes back to her seat. I take a deep breath and open the door just a bit. Only so I can see him and he can see some part of my face at least.

"Hey" he smiles at me.

"Hey" I say back, not smiling as much.

"Can I come in or...?" he asks.

"Sorry, no. I'm not alone" I say and he seems worried.

"I mean I'm with Sophie, we're studying. At least she is" I explain further.

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