Part 26 - First Day

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Panic. Anxiety. Doubt. Terror. These are my feelings as I take the elevator for the first time as an employee at Stark Industries. I'm supposed to find Tony and Pepper in his office to start my first day. I can hear them laugh as I approach the office and I find them drinking champagne. What the hell is going on?

"Zoe, take a glass!" Tony says with excitement when I enter his office.

"What's going on?" I ask giggling.

I expected Tony to drink and have fun during work but it seems weird that Pepper is joining him.

"Tony is being crazy" Pepper says laughing.

"Isn't he always?" I joke around.

"Well, he's extra crazy today" Pepper sounds so happy.

"What did you do, Tony?" I ask him as he gives me a glass for myself.

"Something I should've done a long time ago. You're looking at the new CEO of Stark Industries" he replies referring to Pepper.

"Oh my God, what? How is that-? Congratulations!" I ramble and hug Pepper.

"She's been doing everything for the past years, I'm just signing over paperwork and attending meetings I don't want to attend" Tony says.

"You'll still have to do that, naming me CEO doesn't get you off the hook" Pepper replies.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" he shakes his head and finishes his drink.

He places his glass down and stands up. He stands behind me and holds me by my shoulders.

"Pepper will show you around and give you some tasks or something, she's the boss. I'll be at the lab" he kisses the back of my head.

He leaves us behind and disappears. I can see how happy Pepper is and it makes me smile too. She puts her glass away and approaches me with a few files in her hands.

"I never knew your birthday is so close to Tony's" she says after reading my file.

"Yes, only 4 days apart" I smile.

"Anyway, these are for you. It's everything you're going to need. His passwords, his security numbers, the codes and access to every floor here and at his house..." Pepper keeps saying more and more things.

"That's-That's a lot of information" I say shocked.

"Indeed, so be careful with it. I'd keep it close or locked somewhere. At least until you memorize them"

"Memorize? All this?" I'm speechless, that's so many pages.

"Don't worry, you'll learn them naturally with time" she reassures me.

"Hopefully" I whisper, not having much belief in myself.

"Come with me, I'll show you around" she says nicely.

For the next hour we are going around every important room and facility. She's sharing so many things about how everything works and details that are very specific. I was afraid of taking her job before but now I'm more than afraid. I'm terrified. This woman is a genius, how can I ever do her job?

"You'll be more like a middle person between me and Tony so don't worry about the details. I'll be here all the time for anything you might need"

"Thank you very much. What should I do now?" I ask, excited to do something.

"I have a pile of files that need signatures from Tony. Just try to get him to sign for today" she says.

"That's all? A few signatures for the whole day?" I'm confused.

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