Part 18 - The Gym

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I'm currently on my way to Tony's gym because apparently I agreed to workout with him and he says today is the day. The gym is at the Avengers tower which probably means I will be working out where the Avengers are working out. It really puts some extra pressure on me, even more than the fact that I'll workout with one of the Avengers.

"Oh my God, you look stunning" Tony says slowly, taking a look at my outfit.

"This is the only actual gym set that I have, I wanted to look good for the occasion" I smile.

"I'll tell you what, this is the only set I'd like to see you wearing from now on" he smirks.

"Tony!" I laugh shaking my head.

"Fine, come here" he says and pulls me in for a kiss.

After that we get in the elevator and start going up. There are a few more people in it with us so Tony comes right next to me to speak to me.

"We can start with cardio if you want" he whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, that's cool, I always start with cardio" I reply normally.

"I mean a different kind of cardio" he whispers again with his hand slowly caressing my side.

"No" I reply giggling.

"We're not gonna get any workout done if we start like that" I continue and tease him with my hand on his chest.

"As you wish" he places a kiss on the side of my head.

The rest of the people are gone by now so we are the last ones to leave the elevator when we reach our floor. This, of course, is another floor I haven't been to so I take my time admiring it. The whole floor is a gym paradise. It has everything anyone could ask for in a gym. And it keeps getting better and better the more I look around.

"You can leave your stuff here anywhere or in the locker room" Tony says and I nod.

I see there's plenty of space so I just leave my bag here, next to a machine. I start stretching to warm up since there's not going to be my casual warm up plan. I hear two loud noises coming from Tony. I turn to see him and he's in the back hitting his fists together, wearing boxing gloves.

"Come on, we don't have all day" he teases me.

"Why? Do you have a date?" I ask looking up at him as I enter the arena.

"I might have some things in mind but that's not the reason" he replies giving me a pair gloves.

"What's the reason then?" I ask wearing them with his help.

"I kinda share this gym with a few more people, I wouldn't like them interrupting us" he explains.

"The Avengers could join us anytime?" I ask shocked.

"No, of course not. Only Natasha or Steve" he says calmly.

"I knew the Avengers were working out here but I never thought I'd work out with them" I'm smiling so hard.

"There already is an Avenger working out here" he sounds annoyed.

"Of course I know that and I'm excited" I kiss him.

"I was just talking about the others"  I add.

"Don't be so excited, Natasha would kick both our as*es and Steve would just go lift every weight there's available and groan like he's having the best sex of his life" he says and makes me chuckle.

"You can be so mean sometimes" I try to be serious but my laugh is giving away my true feelings.

"Oh, I know" he says and sneak attacks me.

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