Part 31 - Friendly Neighbor

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Thank God Sophie celebrated her birthday on Friday because with a hangover like this I wouldn't be able to work for sure. But now it's the weekend and I have all the time in the world to sit with my pajamas on my couch and relax.

I make some coffee for myself and take a cup as I sit down. Half an hour later or so I hear some knocks on the door and immediately my eyebrows crease. It could be Tony surprising me by coming back earlier than scheduled so I open the door with a smile.

"Hey, is this a good time?" I see Luke.

"Oh, hey, Luke. Yes, the timing is good" I reply.

"I thought you might have been waiting for someone by the way you opened the door" he chuckles.

"I just thought it could be someone else but that'll have to wait for tomorrow" I explain.

"Okay" he says slowly.

"So. What's up?" I ask him.

"I was just out and got some coffee for myself on my way back and then I remembered that my neighbor is probably having a hangover and could use one" he says smiling and shows me the two coffees in his hands.

"Oh, wow, thank you so much" I smile widely and take one from him.

"You're welcome" he smiles back at me.

There are two seconds of silence that follow our interaction as I stay on the inside of the apartment and he's on the outside of it.

"Would you like to come inside to finish that coffee?" I suggest.

"And the muffins?" he smirks and shows me a bag in his other hand.

"Definitely" I giggle.

"Sure, sounds nice" he agrees and I let him in.

"Can you just give me two minutes to change into different clothes?" I ask politely since I'm wearing my pajamas.

"Of course, I'll wait here" he says and I nod.

I quickly go back in my bedroom to wear something else and when I return I indeed see Luke where I left him. I walk to the couch I was sitting at earlier and before he can see my previous coffee I quickly hide the cup somewhere.

"Please, take a seat" I say and he sits with me on the same couch.

"Was I right?" he asks suddenly.

"About what?" I'm confused.

"The hangover" he smiles.

"Oh" I laugh.

"Definitely, my head is still buzzing" I continue.

"Hope these help" he shows me the muffins.

"I bet they will" I say and take a bite.

"You've done a good job with the place" he comments about the space around us.

"Thank you, there are still some things missing though"

"I'm sure it'll be perfect when it's done" he says nicely.

"Hopefully yes" I nod.

"Are you new in town?"

"No, I was studying here and since I graduated I had to move out of the dorms" I explain.

"Wow, from the dorms to this place" he sounds impressed.

"Yeah, I found a very good job" I say happily.

"What do you do?"

"I work at Stark Industries" I reply.

"Oh my God, and you look young. You're a genius, aren't you?" he asks full of excitement.

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