Part 48 - Blood, Sweat & Tears

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"Tony, look at me. Tony, please don't leave me. Help is almost here, just hold on baby, hold on for me" I scream with tears in my eyes.

His eyes aren't opening, he's passed out in front of me. Or at least I hope he's passed out and not something worse. I'm freaking out and running out of breath myself, I'm so stressed. Thankfully, I hear a loud noise outside and run there to see Natasha getting out of the quinjet.

"Where is he?" she asks as soon as she jumps out of it.

"Inside, he's-he's passed out" I cry and hold my hands in the air, they're covered with his blood.

"Come with me" she says, not wanting to leave me behind alone.

I nod and run with her inside. She sits on my previous seat on the couch and starts taking care of his wounds.

"Da*n, Stark" she whispers.

She asks some pressure on his worst one and blood starts running out of it. I gasp and start shaking, I can't keep seeing him like this.

"Clean the blood that comes out while I stitch him up" Natasha says.

I nod immediately and start cleaning the blood. Natasha takes out the needle and thread and starts stitching him up. The sight isn't pretty, there's blood coming out of it. I would normally throw up but I'm staying strong for him and Natasha. I help her by cleaning the blood just like she asked and after a bit she's stitched him up. After that I clean the blood from his face and wait.

"Shouldn't he wake up?" I ask impatiently.

"Give him a few seconds, he lost a lot of blood" she replies and we both stare at him.

Nothing is happening though. He's not waking up, his eyes stay closed.

"Come on, Stark" Natasha taps his chest.

I feel ready to explode. My heart is literally jumping in my chest. Natasha moves closer to him and starts doing CPR. She places her lips on his and performs mouth-to-mouth breathing. When she's done she takes out of the kit an injection and uses it on him.

"Wake up, Tony, come on" I'm sobbing.

Natasha is looking at him with fear in her eyes, I don't know if there's anything else she can do.

"I can't lose you, Tony" my face is on his chest.

"Come on, come on" Natasha sounds nervous.

"TONY, YOU'RE NOT DYING ON ME" I get mad and hit his chest.

"TONY" I shake his head but nothing.

Nothing's happening, no reaction from him. I fall down and feel my chest ready to burst. His blood is all over my hands and clothes, making me even more devastated. I see Natasha tearing up as well but she's still trying. She gives him another injection and hopes for the best.

"Come on, baby, you can beat this" I hold his hand in mine strongly.

The next few seconds are painful. I can't look at him without feeling myself ready to collapse. But in a matter of seconds he shoots his eyes open, gasps for air loudly and lifts his body.

"You're okay, you're okay" I say to him and Natasha pushes his body back down since she's sitting on his lap.

"I need you to stay still, Stark" she tells him and he looks confused.

"What is-How are-When did you-" he tries to ask but his heart is beating extremely fast right now.

"I called her here for help, she'll keep you safe" I explain to him.

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