Part 33 - Test Drive

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4 days later and I'd say Tony's recovery is going well. He hasn't left the house, or even better the lab, at all. He's in there all day everyday. I'm traveling between his house and Stark Industries a few times per day to get things for him or things Pepper needs me to give him. It's tiring sometimes but it's much more pleasant than anything else I could be doing instead.

I went by my apartment to get some things and something to eat quickly before visiting Tony again. When I got out of my apartment again I bumped into Luke who was getting out of the elevator. He's holding a few stuff and his camera, looking like he's struggling with everything.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes, it's alright. I had to carry these with me for a photoshoot" he explains and puts some of the stuff aside.

"This looks tiring" I say.

"I'm used to it" he replies.

I nod and he takes a few steps down the hall towards his apartment.

"Hey, Zoe" he calls for my name so I turn around to face him.

"Yes?" I turn around and see him with a camera in his hands taking a picture of me.

I laugh and then hear him taking another one.

"Stop it" I laugh.

"Why? You look great" he smiles.

"Because it's creepy" I tease him.

"Not if I don't keep them" he replies.

I hear a different sound and notice that he's printing the pictures he just took. He takes them in his hands and gives them to me.

"These are great, thank you" I say in shock.

"You're welcome" he smiles and we say our goodbyes.

I continue my day and go back to Tony's place, of course I don't see him around so I go straight downstairs to the lab. He's obviously here and the mess he's made with all the tinkering and planning is disturbing. I shake my head as I walk between all the mess to finally reach him and then touch his shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh, babe, you're here" he sounds excited.

"Yes, I'm here. The real question is why are you here? You should be lying down" I massage his tense shoulders carefully.

"I slept through the night, how much more rest do I need?" he replies casually.

I want to roll my eyes but I don't because I realize that for him this is actually a big deal. Instead, I caress his back and take a look at what he's doing.

"Did you make any progress here?" I ask quietly, focusing on what he's fixing with his hands.

"Yes, actually, look at this" he sounds proud.

He shows me his watch and then he clicks on it. It immediately starts changing and in a matter of seconds it becomes a full Iron Man hand.

"Wow" I say shocked and try to touch it with my hand.

"Like it?" he asks smirking.

"I love it" I sound just as impressed as I am.

"I was sure" he smirks again.

"This is why" he says slowly and stands all the way up.

"You" he stands right in front of me.

"Are testing it" he throws some things off the desk behind me.

"First" he finally finishes his sentence and puts me on top of it.

I'm shocked. Not only did he pull me in the air and then let me back on the desk so easily despite his injuries but he's also implying what I think he's implying. The man is crazy.

Tony Stark's ToyWhere stories live. Discover now