Part 1 - Tony Stark

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I'm a 23 year old university student, living at the university dorms. I'm sharing a room with another university student, Sophie, who I met a couple years ago when we both moved in. She's my best friend, we just click together.

I have to work as a waitress to earn some money and occasionally find part time jobs. All my childhood fund was used for me to get into college and now it's necessary to do all these jobs to keep on living the college life.

That's how I met him. Tony Stark himself. One night I happened to work at a party that he attended. The same night we spent it together at a hotel I never imagined I'd step foot in. And the most shocking thing of all is that he contacted me again. And again after that, even though I thought that after one time I'd never see him again. And of course I never complained nor declined to see him.

After a late end to my morning shift I find myself running at the hallway, hoping that I'll make it in time for my class. People are everywhere, making me push and bump into them repeatedly.

"Ms. Reeves, late as always" my professor comments when I interrupt the class to take a seat.

"Only 6 minutes this time" I joke after looking at my watch.

He doesn't seem to be entertained, instead he shakes his head and continues the lecture. It's very difficult to concentrate when I'm already tired from work. Especially when I've been left behind on all my classes. There's no time to study but I'm working on that as much as I can.

After 3 hours I basically crawl back to my room. I'm so tired that the first thing I do is fall on the bed and close my eyes. It's only the sound of the door shutting loudly that wakes me up some time later.

"Sorry, didn't know you were asleep" Sophie says when she sees me.

"It's fine, I should study anyway" I sigh.

"You seem very tired. Maybe you should continue your nap first" she suggests.

"I seem tired because I am. Work was hell this morning and then I just wanted to die during the lecture" I groan.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend for some money so that you don't have to work so much? I'm sure he can spare a million or two" she teases me.

"He's not my boyfriend" I throw a pillow at her.
"And I don't want him to give me his money out of pity, no matter how much he insists"

"See? This is why you and I are different. I would've taken every dollar he offered without a thought" she laughs.

"Well, I'm sure he'll offer you some if you start f*cking him too. Everyone else is doing it anyway" I sigh again desperately.

"Why are you saying that? What happened?" she asks concerned.

I reach for my backpack and take out a magazine. Without looking at it I throw it towards Sophie and she catches it. Her face changes as soon as she sees it. That's because the cover is showing some new pictures of Tony and some model at an event.

"If you look inside you can also see them leaving together with his car" I say.

"Come on, Zoe, don't ruin your mood over this. You know how Tony is with women. You just said yourself that you're not a couple" she caresses my back softly.

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when I see him with other women" I say and hug my pillow.

"God, you've fallen for him, haven't you?" she sounds somehow sad.

I don't have to reply. My body is giving away the answer since I fall flat on the bed and my head dives deep into the pillow. It's getting harder and harder to hold back the tears.

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